Oh! The Places You'll Go!

NEW--Click Here--Wedding Page
Hi there! This is my new webpage. It's still a little more happy and colorful than many, but I must admit it's a reflection of my personality and try though I may, I am just unable to escape it.
me! I am a picture-taking fool. I have more pictures than I know what to do with, because Jason got me a digital camera for Christmas last year, so guess what... NO FILM TO BUY! Also, NO DEVELOPING. Just plug that baby into the computer and BAM!(a la Emeril), instant pictures. So here's a link to my massive (and I do MEAN massive) online photo album. another me!
Oh, go Sign the Guestbook already! (Or just read it.)
Smile =Ţ It's good for you.

This is a link to pictures. Pictures of cute kids, pictures of grown-ups who act like kids, pictures of people I like, people I love, people I tolerate... and probably some pictures just because I felt like taking a picture.
Katey's Creations This includes links to webpages, essays, poetry, stories, and other various things I like to do for fun and profit (well, still working on the profit part...)
This will eventually take you to a page with my thoughts on love and Jason, and all kinds of pictures. Right now, it has nothing. It doesn't even go anywhere. Me and Jason!
Maryland Newsline This is my final semester in the MA Journalism program at UMCP. One of the cool things about the program is that they really try to prepare you for the real world. Students can participate in one of four "bureaus": Print-DC, Print-Annapolis, Online, and Television. Though I'm a broadcast major, I'm doing the online bureau this semester, wherein we produce an online news magazine called Maryland Newsline. It's much more business-like and less colorful than most of my other webpages, but it's a lot of fun, and sometimes I even get to take pictures!
This will someday be a new IRC page. Right now it's just images. mirc logo
Strangers In Paradise This is a page about one of my favorite comics, Strangers In Paradise. Right now I think it consists of a main page and a links page, and maybe a characters page with a bunch of buttons that don't do anything yet. But, they all LOOK really cool, which is why they're taking me so long, because I know if I just slap something up there I'll never go back and make it look nice, but if I don't put anything up until I'm finished with it...

Family Pictures~

Wedding Pictures~



Useful Links~

Friend and Family Links

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