derek white

Roundtrip Ways to Work



Manhattan is a circuit. When I commute I am an anonymous electron flowing through the gridwork with the millions of other interacting particles—through the motherboard of NYC. Each particle has its own agenda and seemingly random and separate path, but together they comprise a whole. When we are embedded in this circuit, it is sometimes hard for us to see it.  


Proof of Parking



In L.A., your vehicle is your identity. When in LA, my frustration with valet parking runs deeper than just the sheer inconvenience, but the underlying implications around the lack of freedom of choice and mobility. When I tried to run inside a deli for two seconds to grab a bagel, I came outside and my rental car was gone.





This was written before I moved to NY, and was fascinated with the idea of NYC being a microcosmic macrocosm akin to the mythical super-continent of Pangaea. The formatting reflects New York’s vertical, rather than horizontal, expansion. 

derek white’s writings have been recently published or are forthcoming in aught, generator, DIAGRAM, sendecki, perspektive, xtant, café irreal and snow monkey.  His chapbook Mining in the Black Hills is forthcoming from linguablanca.  He currently works as a producer for pressplay in nyc and can be found on the Web at



these three pieces in rife deal with various aspects of the metaphysics of urban living.


