2.) If you want to drink, and are of drinking age, be responsible. If you are underage, take it somewhere else. If you are not a responsible drunk, stay sober.
3.) If you do not want to drink, or you don't think you should, don't. let me make this clear, you do not have to be drunk to do take the oar test. You don't have to be drunk to pledge. You don't have to be drunk to do anything.
4.) When in doubt wear your good clothes, and bring a covered dish.
5.) When in doubt, Keep your clothes on.
6.) See rule 5.
7.) Don't do anything that would compromise yourself. You don't have to sleep with anyone for us to like you. You don't have to give up any friends for us to like you. You don't have to get drunk for us to like you. You don't have to get us drunk for us to like you (it can help, though).
8.) Bring your own. This applies to food, tents, beer, rides, money etc.
9.) Don't hit the minstrel.
10.) see rule 2.
11.) If you can't handle something that's going on, be tolerant. if you still can't handle it, be elsewhere.
12.) Keep it private.
13.) see rule 5.
14.) Pooftas are allowed.
15.) Volunteer a lot.
16.) Get used to lots of drumming