The Ordains of The Elder Grove
As approved 29 October 2000

1.0 The purposes of The Elder Grove are:

1.1 To study and practice the Old Religion;

1.2 To honor the Lady and the Lord;

1.3 To celebrate the wheel of the year;

1.4 To work magick in accord with the Rede;

1.5 And to serve in all ways as a gathering of priestesses and priests of the Old Religion.

2.0 Membership in The Elder Grove is open to those who:

2.1 Are at least 18 years of age or whose parents are members of The Grove;

2.2 Wish to learn and practice the Old Religion;

2.3 Promise to live their life by the Rede, "An it harm none, do as ye will";

2.4 Promise never to reveal outside the circle any personal information about other members, without their express permission;

2.5 Commit themselves to work diligently at the study of the Old Religion and their chosen path in particular;

2.6 Commit to share some of their time and energy to help do the necessary work of The Grove, bearing in mind that family and job responsibilities come first;

2.7 And are approved by consensus of all members of The Grove.

3.0 Levels of Participation and Membership include the following:

3.1 Guests: Those interested persons who may attend activities in the company of a Dedicate or Initiate with the consensus of all other members;

3.2 Friends: Those persons who are approved by consensus of all the members who wish to participate in activities of The Grove but are unable or unready to commit to membership in The Grove;

3.3 Dedicates: Those persons who have dedicated themselves to the purposes and principles of The Grove and begun a serious study of their path within the Old Religion upon approval of a consensus of the members may become Dedicate members of The Grove.

3.4 Initiates: Those persons who after a year and a day of participation in at least half of the scheduled gatherings of The Grove as Dedicates and the study of their path within the Old Religion having the approval of a consensus of the members may be initiated as priestesses or priests of The Grove.

4.0 Administration and Operation

4.1 All decisions of The Grove shall be made by a consensus of all the members:Dedicates and Initiates.

4.2 The offices of High Priestess who represents the Goddess, High Priest who represents the God, Summoner who calls The Grove together, Callers of the Quarters who envoke the Elements shall be filled by those members [Dedicates and Initiates] who volunteer to do so with the consensus of all members.

4.3 Rituals shall be written by members who volunteer to do so, which the approval of the other members.

5.0 Meeting Schedule

5.1 Gatherings of The Grove shall be held within 10 days of the actual date of the Quarter or Cross-Quarter Day. The date to be determined by a consensus of the members.

5.2 Members may ask to host a gathering or the site may be some other place that is agreed on by a consensus of the members

5.3 Other meetings for study, service, work, or fun may be held at times and places convenient to those members involved.

6.0 Revision of The Ordains

6.1 Any part of these Ordains may be amended by consensus of the members of The Grove.

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