Five or six examples

of the digital artwork I have produced:

(Images below painted/airbrushed and manipulated
using *Photoshop* with *Macintosh* computers)

Polar 4-2

Polar 3-2a

Loop 3-20

Loop 1-15

Loop 3-17

loop 3-27h


* The Virtual Kaleidascope *

(examples of digital tiling)

(VR Kaleidascope can also be found in
the Entrance Portal marked "Other")
-note: a new, *animated* version with new images
is on the way . . .. hopefully coming soon!

(This area in progress - more artwork,
including some non-digital,
to be shown in the near future)

-2nd Note: Time being a perishable, but continously regenerated factor,
(and imagination being a window to the infinite)
.. . several on-going projects, . .. . the most prolific being
my Variation Sequences. Polar Variations, Loop Variations and
Woodlace Variations are approximately the largest,
with over 100 images in Loop and well over 500, possibly
approaching 1,000 in Woodlace. I also do photomanipulations -
a few of which can be seen in the art portfolio .
These include fantasy/surreal images as well as photo restoration,
composition, or touch-ups . .. . currently forging ahead into
the (for me, uncharted) area of gif animation - though I do
have some limited experience with animation in Macromedia
Director and MS PowerPoint . . . also do posters, greeting cards,
commissioned web graphics, and the like. In non-digital media,
I am working on both collages and also jewelry made from
digital image print-outs, acrylic paintings, computer components,
natural and found objects, and occasionaly, semi-precous stones,
and experiementing with burnt (literally) CDs .. . . .taking time out
to study for class, do poetry, listen to music, eat & sleep
ocassionally!, go to church, read books, watch nature, talk to
friends, sit and dream, etc. .. . and maybe once in a while
update these pages!

Sandy/Sandra Pancoast (Anatha Sylvithia)

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