Sandra/ Sandy Pancoast (Anatha)


Evident Daylight Mended Heart and Sound Waves


Evident Daylight
(by S.L. Pancoast)

Where hath every raindrop gone,
clouds vanished into the sky?
Whence this light of spiraled day?
This ceasing of the gloom? -
The void broken in clustered stars,
and galaxied by light,
the space full brimming of cosmic,
engulfed in matter, breathing of it,
and cold and empty, teeming with life,
and simultaneous contradictions?


Mended Heart
(by S.L. Pancoast)

Your broken wings,
torn fabric once more woven,
no more to be sundered,
like the after-blades of sleds,
drawn through the fallen snow.


Sound Waves
(by S.L. Pancoast)

Music washed by waves of sound
to the pearl sanded beaches of our ears,
smooth stones and fragments of beach glass
swirling and mingling with our souls,
rendering our castles of sand,
and burying our feet
in the half-tide of incoming sound,
like the rushing of air to meet the clouds.


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