Sandra/ Sandy Pancoast (Anatha)


In Sunlight Caught, Dreamscape, and Colors


In Sunlight Caught
(by Sandra Pancoast)

There is between the dawn and dusking air,
an interlude of brilliance,
caught in the glimmered web of daylight,
broken free of come
darkness fraught with anticipation:
of star, of moon,
of blank blackness entombed,
in shifting tides of crushing sky.


(by Sandra Pancoast)

Light falls like water over the rocks,
pooling in the turbulence below,
cascading in iridescent rivulets,
that catch the water.
Silver leaves blow in the wind,
and hang from purple branches.
We shall count the golden birds
flying through the orange sky,
and then awake within a painting,
within the pigment-swirl we fly.


(by Sandra Pancoast)

I sleep, in dreams forgotten I slumber,
in hues of crimson and scarlet and umber,
and tints of indigo, violet, and ultramarine,
sienna, marigold, lemon, and tangerine.


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