Sandra/ Sandy Pancoast (Anatha)


Riparia and Fragment


(by S.L. Pancoast)

She held her heart within her hands,
safe within her fingers' cage,
shielded from time's sifting sands,
guarded from time's crippling age.

Where her heart would be was stone,
and ran water through her veins,
thus she in beauty flowed alone,
and twined with summer rains.

I watched her clothed in autumn gold,
and trimmed with winter lace,
and memorized each tale she told,
with sunlight on her face.

I walk the path she used to run,
where time has parched the mud,
and sigh for stories she once spun,
before death dried the flowing blood.

Here beneath the forest trees,
upon the leaf strewn ground,
I close my eyes, feel the breeze,
and hear echoes of her sound.

(poet's note: Riparia, Latin for river)


(We Have Forgotten)

(by S.L.Pancoast)

Holding in my hand
fragile fragment
of shell of egg,
struggle I to understand
how riven remnant
of lifeless brittle
is what birds soar of,
snakes slither of,
fish swim of,
and turtles snap of.
that life is all about
eggs to which
we have forgotten
the shells.


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