Conciousness sprang forth...spirit reflected in the physical. From out of the mist came man, a needy beast forced to adapted to enviromental hazards, yet Being as he was created to be. Spirit saw that these simple beasts experienced life in a more aware state than other beast. Spirit saw that man was growing to understand the world and Spirit said.."let him be!". Man grew and evolved, coming together in groups, clans, families. Spirit enjoyed watching man and experiencing the world of flesh through him. Man be came concious as Spirit ignited a flame, bringing a Light and a spiritual gift to the cold hungry beasts. Fire warmed them, protected them fed them and most importantly provided Light into the Darkness. A beacon to guide man's steps into the unknown night. From the deepest caves to the coldest mountians nothing could escape the Fire that now burned within each man. This new man saw Spirit and knew Spirit. Man honored Spirit with rituals, simple and devoted expressions of his limited understanding of the world of flesh and the World of Spirit. Man evolved as he ventured forth into the world of flesh...soon he learned he could cultivate the land, become co-creators with Spirit. Man found that he could control his own destiny..he was not merely an animal: he was a God. He tasted the fruit of knowledge and found that it was good. You sow what you reap and soon man found such to be true even for gods. With knowledge comes great resposibility and with truth comes great power. Yet man could spin such great yarns that the fabric of life became flimsy and easily unraveled. The Logos...The Word...The Truth...The Lie.... That which is spoken has more power than anything only imagined. A lie told from a burning soul has more power than a truth from a dead spirit. Tell a lie enough times and it becomes a truth... society has built itself upon a foundation of sand: still the Vine of the Spirit holds it together until it can be fortified with stone.