When I was very young I had the heart to be a philanthropist, but I was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth. So I struggled to survive in labors that could never fulfill the hopes of my youth. I had to be able to combine something I knew well that would be worthy of large profits. What I knew best was the Bible and mankind's relationship with God. Now my challenge was to make huge profits from that knowledge without creating a church or another form of religion. I don't want to have to ask for money over and over again. I want to find a way that would generate it's own profits which could be used for benevolent works.

One day while I was thinking about the book of Revelation, I had the thought of how great it would be if others could see what I visualize. And that is when I began to write my first screenplay, "Eyes of Revelation". I was excited and I felt inspired. As I wrote, I wondered how I could ever make such a movie worthy of God's word. I knew I could leave nothing out. It truly is the entire book of Revelation. I did not know how to portray the visions with realism. It seemed almost impossible, but I continued to write. As I wrote I also realized that this movie must appeal to all classes of people. I researched all Christian beliefs and their differences, and compared them with the written word and to my surprise I found where the differences came from. This movie will be able to bring down some of the walls of differences.

My thoughts were always on how I could protect the integrity of the screenplay. If I sold it directly to Hollywood, they would change it and corrupt it. It is vital that this production is made worthy, and if I sold it I would lose creative control.

So my only solution was to start my own independent production company to make this movie and manifest all that is within me. It is not a far fetched idea these days to start and independent film company. Many have been successful. With the cost of equipment low and the opportunity of computer graphics (which weren't available when I first wrote the screenplay), I believe strongly that this company can be started and produce it's first project for $20 million; which is nothing compared to what it has to offer and can bring back in returns.

Anyone who is interested in helping with this project feel free to contact me. I am looking for investors, co-producers, directors, cinematographers and anyone else who wants to be a part of this exciting new company. Even your prayers will help! Make any checks or money orders payable to "Pillar and Base Productions, Inc."

Thank You!!

Vincent Owens
236 Parkway Dr.
Mansfield, OH 44906