So I let you down again
I'm not sure what you want from me
and I try so hard to please you
but almost certain I'll fail to see
that it wasn't what you wanted
but something else altogether
it's a trial and error thing
because you talk to me hardly ever
So now why don't you just expect
for me to let you down
and I may not disappoint you then
unless your voice can make some sound?
Can your brain form words
to come off of your tongue
my ears work fine, you know
and my brain function
is above the norm
I do comprehend words and phrases
so think about what you want
and I'll ask what questions it raises
but we gotta do something here
because I'm tired of feeling this way
feeling like a failure
not worth living through the day
and you just shake your head
would you like me to walk
on water or write in blood
I can't hear you when you talk
you shake your head...
silence is my worst fear
I never gave up easily
but now it's very clear
go on shaking, waving
because I'm outta here!