Broken Rainbows
Two o'clock this morning, I sat
in the breezeway as, swiftly, it began
to rain strong, with cold wind
rushing through like thoughts of a man.
As suddenly as it had come on
it quit, leaving only traces dripping
from the trees and the awnings
but thoughts remained, firmly gripping.
I ventured far out beyond shelter
again, it stormed without any warning,
nothing to do but wonder if it's possible
to see a rainbow at two o'clock in the morning?
At daybreak, still left out wet
wondering if thoughts were designed to choke,
another dream thrown to the wayside,
another fragile rainbow broke.
It's okay, I'll make more dreams
and I'll dry out after awhile-
and conquer thoughts because I know
the way to fix a broken rainbow
is to cast out the light of a smile.