
These days seem to blend together
running straight away
then hooking left
while the others do too
but right
and I cannot separate some
mingling in the middle of my week

I say I'll get my focus back
maybe come the fall
but the fall is no place
for balance
I'll forget it till winter.

Alas, winter provokes these wishes:

Dear Constancy,
please visit me, I'd love to hold you
Dear Forgiveness,
I'd like to walk with you awhile
Dear Love,
I would keep your hand forever
Dear Pride,
I'd ask of you to fill me
so I could turn the other cheek
Dear Depth,
I'd fall into your clutches within tears and joy
Dear Passion,
we must embrace each other
and fly through a hurricane
Dear Friendship,
I'd jump to kiss your lips and swing you
to sleep in my lap
Dear Humility,
I'd stand beside you, quietly
Dear Happiness,
we could make quite a pair, you and I 1