
I see hundreds of people every day
some better off than me, some worse, some the same,
some remind me of me, some remind me of you
whoever they may be, I call them by name.

Happy people, sad people, emotionless
some confused, some know who they are
some angry at the world, some love,
some walk close, some stay away far

some in wheelchairs, some with canes
young, old, fancy, some plain-janes
some don't speak at all, some must sign
they can't hear music, some are blind

some never smile or laugh or look at you
some will talk your ears off like they always knew
some just stand and watch the people come
and go, uncaring because they're numb
some don't have homes, sleep on the street
broken in dumpsters, searching something to eat

I see hundreds of people every day...
nice to be faced with life this way.