From Behind The Wall
I'm neatly tucked behind the wall,
to be hidden, for security's sake
caught by a faint voice in the distance,
coming close, suddenly wide awake.
Cautious, I peered around the corner
to see a young man cross the lot, stumbling
drank too much, singing sadly
loudly, but words strained for mumbling.
It was something about needing someone to help him
find his true love hiding behind the walls
proclaiming his pain of losing her
"it's not Juliet asking where,
it's Romeo here who calls".
I stepped around the hidden edge
with a barely controllable smile there
clasped my hands behind my back
leaned against the wall to stare
weight on one leg, listening
as he continued to trod along
singing his down-hearted song
of wanting this love for life-long
hidden, what was he doing wrong?
I stood in plain view and figured
he would look up and see me emerged
from behind the wall, to let him see
I give in to passion that surged
within me for the pain of his lost love
and for needing it back so desperately
but he continued to stumble on by
though I'd left the wall, he couldn't see.
There I was, presented unto him, again
but blind is a state of mind, I guess
doesn't clear up overnight, emptied then
folding my arms across my chest
protection put up once more,
back behind the wall, I'll be
until the day he can open his eyes
and look up, no imaginary wall, just me
and being down and drunken is no way to free
the two people who are searching love
to see
from behind the wall.