A Dollar Too Much

Life was good for them, faith was easy
but accidents happen as they often do-
their car wrecked by an uninsured driver,
"worse" they vowed to stick together through.

She lost her health and can no longer work
his education didn't take him very far-
but he takes pride in the job he does,
serving up drinks at the local bar.

It pays the rent and the electricity
and the little bit she gets from disability
is enough for one meal a day and water,
the rest goes to take care of their daughter.

No health insurance, bill collectors at the door,
no breakfast, no lunch, and supper is not more
than rice or noodles, chickens in the yard,
the system makes faith turn stone-cold hard
when they go to ask for help from the state,
growing thin and sick, but bills can't wait.

The application procedure brings nothing but shame,
the agency humiliates and points out the blame...

they apply for food stamps, or medical care,
or a grant for school, or temporary welfare,
just a little assistance to help them by
past their bad time, how hard they try...
a chance for the child if they could get on track,
more education for him, surgery for her back...

The numbers on the calculator
entered by the system's callous touch-
the worker doesn't look up when she totals
and says, "you make a dollar too much".