Kiss Me Goodbye
I wonder how the goodbye will go down
Will we talk about the years?
Will we laugh about the old times back?
Will we cry and not bother to wipe the tears?
Will you kiss me, will you remember
the softness of my lips and taste
of my tongue, linger when I'm gone?
Will you slip inside, grab my waist
so you can remember what I felt like
in your hands, a flood so sweet?
Would you want me to say I Love You
where my warm breath and your ear meet?
Will you look into my eyes
to memorize the colors of the sea,
to hold the connection as long as you can?
Would you stare and say that you love me?
Will you get someone to take a picture of us
and put it in the secret place you keep?
Will the memories rush through the night
when it's quiet, to make you talk in sleep?
Will there be times when it'll hit you
out of the blue, I'm really gone
and will it hurt you so bad, you'll want to cry?
Yeah, me too...but life must go on
so just gimme a smile and kiss me goodbye.