Element of the week

April 2, 2007

Last Week Answer

1.  A student discovered this element in the 1800s.

2.  A major use of this element is to make a gasoline additive that prevents lead from depositing in the engine. 

 Unfortunately, this compound is now considered to be a carcinogen.

3.  Another organic compound made with this element is used as a pesticide.  It is especially effective against

the parasitic worm known as nematodes.

4.  Its sodium salt has been used as a sedative.  Much of the element is mined from the ocean,

although the deep brine wells of Arkansas are a major US source.

5.  This halogen is the only liquid and has a density greater than 3 times that of water; two other major uses

 of this element are in the manufacture of photographic film and in the disinfection of spas or pools.



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