the match has been lit
no turning back
throw it down
the driness we burn
throw it down
no way out
no water to stop
the endless burning
once we see
the fire's been started
nothing we can do
but watch it burn
nothing we can do
but live and learn
fires get started
commonly by all
by accident or by fault
no turning it off
no switch to stop it
primitive fires
are uncontrollable
just let it burn
eternally or not
if it burns itself out
safetly comes
eternally it burns
if it burns out
celebration is in need
eternally it burns
life flourishes
eternally it burns
like the phoenix
rising from the flames
eternally it burns
the flame started
by that match
noticed or not
caused an inferno
and fearfully it burns
without knowledge
of how dangerous
or how painful
or how eternal it is
the fire has been started
no turning back
just let fate decide
how it will burn.