In the show Sailor Moon, there is absolutely no racial diversity. If you take a look at the pictures on this web site you will not find any character that is not caucasian and I guarantee that you will not find any on another web site either. There are no black people and not even any Asian people (really surprising as this is a Japanese show) portrayed in Sailor Moon. What effect could this possibly have on young people? Well, I believe that young people of African and of Asian descent and all other non-white youngsters will feel that their race is not as important in this world as the white race. I believe that this is a form of oppression because young people (of all races) who are somehow encouraged to think that the white race is the only race or the most important race are not given the chance to grow in the sense that they might not be as tolerant to people they do not understand or value. Moreover, if a young person is shown that their race does not count then they will not be able to develop a secure sense of self.
However, despite the fact that there is no racial diversity, there is still some cultural diversity. For example, sailors Uranus and Neptune (their picture is the background on this page) are lesbians and have daughter.
Finally, there is much
diverisity in the characters' personalities. When asked about the characters'
beauty many people replied that the point of the show was not the characters'
looks but their personalities. All of the people we interviewed went into
great detail about the characters' personalities. Here were some of their
"Each of the girls
is given a personality and it's expanded. They aren't
just sitting there
like SpiderMan's Mary Jane and some of the X-Women do.
They are given all
emotions and a great responsibility. I think these girls
are good role models
for kids and give them good messages. I think they
teach abouut differences
and teach kids not to be afraid of differences. I
personally wish they'd
show all of the episodes here and stop being so
closed minded about
the relationship of two of the [lesbian] Sailor Scouts. I think
that this show teaches
kids about the world and about how to be strong not
just submissive.
I mean, we have Usagi/Serena who acts alot like some
teenagers: Boys, no
studying, shopping, ect. But at the same time, she
learns to take on
a greater responsibility. Ami/Amy shows that studying
does pay off and that
it leads to something greater. She can study and
still have fun.
Rei/Raye is a very strong and stubborn individual who has
a spirituality and
takes on great responsiblity with or without her powers.
She shows another
aspect of culture as well. Mako/Lita is a tall, tomboyish
cook who really represents
the other half of women. I think she is a great
character cause she
will stand up for herself and she's not afraid to.
Minako/Mina is the
supermodel intelligent one. She teaches that there is
brains behind beauty.
Haruka and Michiru teach about having a goal and
about being different...
that it can be a beautiful thing. Setsuna shows
great responsibility,
ect ect. I think they are wonderful rolemodels."
In conclusion, although there is no racial diversity in Sailor Moon, there are other kinds of diversity. The kind of diversity in Sailor Moon does not empower people of colour (generally speaking) but it does empower young women. Once again, GIRLS REALLY CAN DO ANYTHING!!!