Week of October 9 - 13, 2000

Subject: Reading, English, Spelling, Centers

Story: Mitchell is Moving



-TLW write a four-sentence journal entry.

-TLW make a written prediction based on the title and pictures.

-TLW listen attentively and follow along as Mitchell is Moving is read aloud.

-TLW tell in writing how their prediction was right or wrong and how they know.

-TLW retell the story using a story map.

-TLW find the mistakes in two sentences.

-TLW solve the Problem of the Day using mathematical problem solving strategies.

-TLW complete a worksheet to practice determining cause and effect.


-TLW write a four-sentence journal entry.

-TLW complete Practice Book page 41 regarding summarizing the story.

-TLW find the mistakes in two sentences.

-TLW solve the Problem of the Day using mathematical problem solving strategies.

-TLW complete a worksheet to practice using “do” and “did” correctly.


-TLW write a four-sentence journal entry.

-TLW complete Practice Book pages 44 and 45 regarding main idea.

-TLW find the mistakes in two sentences.

-TLW solve the Problem of the Day using mathematical problem solving strategies.

-TLW complete a worksheet to practice determining cause and effect.


-TLW write a four-sentence journal entry.

-TLW complete Practice Book page 42 to practice vocabulary words.

-TLW find the mistakes in two sentences.

-TLW solve the Problem of the Day using mathematical problem solving strategies.

-TLW complete a worksheet to practice using “see” and “saw” correctly.


-TLW write a four-sentence journal entry.

-TLW find the mistakes in two sentences.

-TLW solve the Problem of the Day using mathematical problem solving strategies.

-TLW complete a worksheet to practice determining cause and effect.

-TLW take a spelling test.

-TLW complete Practice Book pages 40 and 46 as a weekly assessment of vocabulary and reading comprehension skills.



ELA-1-E1, E2, E5, E6, E7

ELA-2-E1, E3

ELA-3-E1, E2, E3, E5

ELA-4-E2, E4, E5, E6, E7

ELA-5-E1, E2, E3, E6


Student Activities


1. Students will write a four-sentence journal entry.

2. Students will look at the pictures and discuss them and the title.  Students will use the information gathered to make written predictions in their RES notebooks.

3. Students will listen attentively as the student teacher reads Mitchell is Moving using DLTA reading strategy.

4. Students will review their predictions.  They will write two additional sentences telling if they were correct or incorrect and how they know this.

5. As a class, students will retell the story with the aid of a story map.

6. Students will find the mistakes in two sentences that will be written on the board.

7. Students solve the Problem of the Day using mathematical problem solving strategies.

8. Students will complete a worksheet to practice determining cause and effect.


1. Students will write a four-sentence journal entry.

2. Students will independently complete page 41 in their Practice Book.  This page is about retelling the story, Mitchell is Moving.

3. Students will find the mistakes in two sentences that will be written on the board.

4. Students will solve the Problem of the Day using mathematical problem solving strategies.

5. Students will complete a worksheet to practice using “do” and “did” correctly.


1. Students will write a four-sentence journal entry.

2. Students will complete Practice Book pages 44 and 45.  These pages discuss determining the main idea of a paragraph.

3. Students will find the mistakes in two sentences that will be written on the board.

4. Students will solve the Problem of the Day using mathematical problem solving strategies.

5. Students will complete a worksheet to practice determining cause and effect.


1. Students will write a four-sentence journal entry.

2. Students will work as a class to complete page 42in the Practice Book.  This page practices the vocabulary relating to the story.

3. Students will find the mistakes in two sentences that will be written on the board.

4. Students will solve the Problem of the Day using mathematical problem solving strategies.

5. Students will complete a worksheet to practice using “see” and “saw” correctly.


1. Students will write a four-sentence journal entry.

2. Students will find the mistakes in two sentences that will be written on the board.

3. Students will solve the Problem of the Day using mathematical problem solving strategies.

4. Students will complete a worksheet to practice determining cause and effect.

5. Students will take a spelling test.  Students will also complete Practice Book pages 40 and 46 as an assessment of their vocabulary and reading comprehension skills.

Centers (all week)


House Warming Gift: Students will work independently to draw a picture of an appropriate house-warming gift for Mitchell.

Word Search: Students will practice their spelling and vocabulary words.


Post Card: Students will write a postcard to Mitchell.  They will write three sentences telling what they liked about his story.

Picture Prompt: Students will use the picture to write a short story.

Autumn Bingo: Students can play bingo with autumn words if they like.

Tangrams and More

Map Reading Skills: Students will work together to complete a worksheet.  Afterward, students will create designs with tangrams and pattern blocks.


Math Skills Practice: Students will work together to complete a worksheet.  Next, students will play one game of “Math War.”  After completing each activity, students may use the other items in the math center if they wish.


Performance Math and Math Blaster: Students will practice their math skills using the computer programs.  Students waiting for turns on the computers will be reading in the library center.

Extension Literature

Mailing May by Michael O. Tunnell


            There will be six individual assessments this week.  They are:

Practice Book pages 40, 41, 45 and 46

Spelling and Vocabulary Test

Daily homework and seatwork

There will be three individual assessments that will be completed in centers.

Post Card, Picture Prompt (Writing and Games)

House Warming Gift, Word Search (Art and Puzzles)

There will be two group assessments that will be completed in centers.

Math Skills worksheet(Math)

Map Reading Skills worksheet(Tangrams and More)


HBJ Up One Hill and Down Another, student reader and teacher’s manual

HBJ Up One Hill and Down Another, Practice Book and Writer’s Journal

Paper or notebooks for student writing


                        Reading                                                English/Spelling

Monday           Reread the story                                   Write spelling words 3 times each

Tuesday           Reread the story                                   Write sentences with 4 words.

Wednesday      Answer the questions                            Write sentences with 4 words.

Thursday          Answer the questions                            Study for test

Spelling Words

after                 bag                   gather               hand                 sat

answer             clap                  gigantic ran                   tired

Bonus: dinosaur, October

Vocabulary Words

gigantic through problem            answered          tired