Week of September 11 - 15, 2000

Subject: Reading, English, Spelling

Story: I Have a Sister - My Sister is Deaf



The learners will make written predictions 2 sentences long in their RES notebook prior to reading I Have a Sister - My Sister is Deaf.

The learners will tell how their prediction was right or wrong in a paragraph of 3 to 4 sentences in their RES notebooks.  Facts will be given from the story to support their conclusions.

The learners will retell the story using a story map.


The learners will recall the title, characters and plot of I Have a Sister - My Sister is Deaf.

The learners will complete page 25 in the Practice Book.

The learners will take the information from page 25 in the Practice Book and put it into Venn diagram form as a class.


The learners will correctly identify and pronounce 10 words containing ou.

The learners will complete page 27 from the Practice Book as a class to check comprehension of ou words.

The learners will complete page 28 from the Practice Book individually to assess their knowledge of test-taking strategies.


The learners will spell and define the six (6) vocabulary words as a class.

The learners will complete Practice Book page 24 to check their knowledge of the vocabulary words.


The learners will describe one way that differences make us special.

The learners will write a 4-sentence paragraph about their own special qualities.

The learners will draw a picture of themselves from the shoulders up.


ELA-1-E1, E2, E5, E6, E7

ELA-2-E1, E3

ELA-3-E1, E2, E3, E5

ELA-4-E2, E4, E5, E6, E7

ELA-5-E1, E2, E3, E6


Student Activities


1.      Students will discuss differences found among people.  Students will be asked, “Do differences make some people better than others?”  “Are differences bad or good?”  “Would the world be a better place if we were all alike?”  Students will be asked to study the pictures of I Have a Sister - My Sister is Deaf.  Students will discuss the pictures and the title.

2.      Students will make written predictions in their RES notebooks.  These predictions will be based on the title and pictures of I Have a Sister - My Sister is Deaf.

3.      Students will listen and follow along as the student teacher reads I Have a Sister - My Sister is Deaf aloud.

4.      Students will return to their predictions.  They will decide if their prediction was right or wrong.  Students will write 3 to 4 sentences supporting their decision with facts from the story.

5.      As a class, students will use a story map to retell the story.


1.      Students will retell I Have a Sister - My Sister is Deaf using a story map.  Students will be asked to recall the title and characters before starting.

2.      After removing page 25 from the practice book, students will be asked to complete it.  A discussion will take place when they are finished.

3.      Students will decide as a class how to put the information from page 25 into a Venn diagram.


1.      A list of words containing ou will be written on the board.  Not all words in the list will have ou.  Students will be asked to identify and pronounce the words that contain ou.

2.      As a class, students will complete page 27 in the Practice Book.  Students will remove it and place it in their work folders.

3.      To assess students’ test-taking skills, page 28 from the Practice Book will be completed.  Students will do this page behind their test folders and will place it in their work folders when they are finished.


1.      Students will discuss, spell and define each of the six vocabulary words.

2.      Students will be asked to complete page 24 in the Practice Book to see if they are ready for the vocabulary test on Friday.  When everyone is finished, the class will go over the page to check for comprehension.


1.      Students will discuss how differences make us special.  Each student will be asked to name one way that differences make us special.

2.      Students will write a 4-sentence paragraph about themselves.  The paragraphs should be about each student’s special qualities.

3.      Students will draw a picture of themselves to attach to their paragraph.  Pictures should be colorful and from the shoulders up.

Centers (all week)


Loud/Quiet Pictures: There are many ways to communicate with out sound.  Students will discuss colors and the messages they send.  Students will draw and color a picture that is either loud or quiet.


Silly Sentences: Students will reread the section of text that describes a miscommunication between the sisters (The older asks for her pajamas and the deaf sister brings her bananas.).  Students will write their own sentences that are silly.  For example, “I asked for eggs and you brought me chicken legs.”  Eggs and legs rhyme and could be mistaken for each other.

Extension Literature

Truman’s Aunt Farm by Jama Kim Rattigan

Handsigns by Kathleen Fain


            There will be 4 individual assessments this week.  They are:

-Practice Book pages 24, 25, and 28 (and possibly 27)

-The paragraphs students write about their special qualities along with their pictures of themselves.

-Spelling Test – students will write dictated sentences containing their spelling words.

-Vocabulary Test – students will complete the sentence with the correct vocabulary word.

-Reading Comprehension Test – students will be asked an open ended question about the story of the week.  Students will respond based on their knowledge of the story.

There will be 1 individual assessment that will be completed in the Art/Puzzles center.

-Loud/Quiet Picture

There will be 1 group assessment.  This activity will be done in the Writing/Games center.  It is:

-Silly Sentences


HBJ Up One Hill and Down Another, student reader and teacher’s manual

HBJ Up One Hill and Down Another, Practice Book

Paper or notebooks for student writing


                        Reading                                                English/Spelling

Monday           read the story/study vocabulary Write spelling words 3 times each

Tuesday           read the story/study vocabulary spelling sentences

Wednesday      answer questions                                  spelling sentences

Thursday          answer questions                                  study for spelling test

Spelling Words

Deep                deer                 dream               easy                 feeling

Leap                listen                 many                sleep                street

Bonus: deaf

Vocabulary Words

Learned            understands      listens               voice                feelings touching