Success if the purpose of the talk is clearly formulated in the speaker's mind, together with a clear idea how to achieve that goal.


Give your example,an incident from your life that taught you good lesson

Start your talk with a detail of your example.

Ex: "yesterday at breakfast my wife was pouring some coffee and..."

answer some of the 5w in the beginning.

Fill your example with relevant details: picturize the event. the audience must see what you saw, hear what you heard, feel what you felt...Relive your experience as you relate it. Use mimics and mimes to recreate emotions.

State your point, what you want the audience to do.

Make the point brief & specific.

Instead of "help the patients in our local orphanage" say: "Sign up tonight to meet next Sunday to take 25 children on a picnic."

Don't ask for mental action, but for overt action:

Instead of "think of your grandparents now and then" say: "Make a point of visiting your grand parents next week-end."

Make the point easy for listeners to do. (Give detailed actions, points)

Instead of "Start to improve your memory of names" say: "Repeat the name of the next stranger you meet 5 times within 5' "

Instead of "Send a letter to our hospitalised classmate" say: "sign the get-well card in the back of the room".

State the point with force and conviction. The audience must feel your sincerity.

Give the reason or benefit the audience may expect, if they do what you have asked in the point.

Be sure the reason is relevant to the example

Focus upon the benefit that was brought out in the example.

Ex: how I saved money by using a used car". The benefit should be economical advantages, not the better styling of used cars.

Be sure to stress one reason and one only.


Begin by stressing something that you and all of your hearers believe (get yes response) and then raise some pertinent question that everyone would like to have answered. Then take your audience with you in an earnest search for the answer. While on that search presents the facts as you see them so clearly that they will be led to accept your conclusions as their own. They will have much more faith in some truth that they have discovered for themselves.

Never say "you are wrong". Speak about differences of viewpoints based on sincere convictions.

Enthousiasm, arouse feelings better than arouse thoughts.

Reveal how deeply you yourself believe in what you say.

Show respect and affection for your audience.

Begin in a friendly way.

Liken the things they do not believe with something they accept passionately.


To introduce speakers

prepare TIS (Tittle, Interest, Speaker)

T: first give exact tittle

I: bridge over the area between topic and particular interest of the group.

S: list oiutsanding qualifications and end by speaker's name. (looking at the audience)

To presente an Award

Tell why the award is made. Perhaps it is for long service or for a contest...

Tell something of the group's interest in the life and activities of the person to be honored.

Tell how much the award is deserved and how cordially the group feels towards the recipient.

Congratulate the recipient and convey everyone's good wishes for the future.

To accept an award

Give a warmly sincere "thank you" to the group

Tell what the award means for you. Display it. Tell how you intend to use it

End with another sincere expression of gratitude.


Get the attention immediately

use incidents, suspens, surprising fact, show of hands, Exhibit,

Promise to tell how they can get something they want.

Do not open by apology or "funny story"

Support your main ideas (4 maximum), using statistics, Testimony of Experts, Analogies, Demonstration with or without Exhibit

Appeal for Action

Summarize and ask for action.


restrict your subject to fit the time at your disposal. Hold fast to your main theme (don't try to cover all the aspects) and illustrate it adequately.

arrange your ideas in sequence (according to time, space, a logical way)

enumerate your points as you make them ("my first point is..")

compare the strange with the familiar

turn a fact into a picture. Instead of "Alaska's area is 590804 square miles" say: "Alaska has a combine area of France and Germany.

eye impression is stronger than hear impression.

12 coffins /mile, containing all the victims of last year slaughter on the road. If ;you drive from New York to LA, your car will cross one every 5minutes.

Avoid technical terms. Use lucid statements and clear reasoning. Center you talk on some small boy or girl present with the parents. or the least intelligent looking person.

If you must use a technical term, first explain it.

use visual aids ( photos, diagram, chart, exhibits. )

The exhibit should be big enough, don't pass it around

make it move if possible, don't stare ar the exhibit after using it, put it out of sight.


Practice Impromptu speaking

Game: each writes a subject on a paper, then mix them. One draw and has to speak 60" on that subject.

Or start a story in the most fantastic manner, the next in line should continue (even in the middle of a sentence)

Me mentally ready to speak impromptu

in any public situation keep asking yourself what you would say now if you were called upon.

Get into an example immediately (incident example)

Speak with animation and force

Talk about your listeners

Who they are, and what good they perform for the community of for humanity

Dwell on the circumstances that brought the meeting about

anniversary, political meeting, etc...

you can indicate your pleasure in something another said or did and amplify that.

Keep your ideas and examples logically grouped around 1 main point.


" The world would treat me with cordiality and welcome when I would do so"

Talk like a human being, naturally.

Select a person in the audience and imagine he asked a question and you are answering to him. (converse with him)

Aristote: " think as wise men do but speak as common people do".

Befor speaking think that they don't know anything, that you will serve them, help them. Ideate on love.


-liik for significant pers.experience (or of others)

-assemble your thoughts, ideas, convictions coming from this experience

-put key ideas or words on paper

-give the talk before to one friend

-breath deeply before starting (30")

-act confident

-look your audience straight in the eyes.

-full height

Speaking effectively

speak about something you have earned the right to talk about through experience or study.

be sure you are excited about your subject

be eager to share your talk with your listeners

limit your subject: if less than 5', only 1 or 2 points. If 30', only 4 to 5 points. Avoid boring enumeration. reduce your area to make it alive.

After deciding subject, gather max info, refine ideas and ways to put it all the time.

Fill your talk with illuystrations and exemples. several for each poiint. Anecdotes, use names in stories.

must answer briefly to the 5W. (don't put to less or too much details)

dramatize your talk by using dialogues.

use concrete familiar words that create pictures instead of abstract generalities.

Instead of "as the manners are cruel" say: "as men delight in battles, bullfights...

Alain: "sentences should be always full of stones, metal, chairs, tables, amimals, men and women."

"Bulldog"creates better image than "dog"

Be full of vitality, aliveness, enthousiasm

If a speaker believes a thing earnestly enough and says it earnestly enough, he will get adherents to his cause even though he claims he can produce blue grass from ashes. Dhoose the subject you are really enthousiastic about, talk about your convictions

heart, sincerity, warm feeling, love will convince more than cold reason.

Tou have to feel every word of the talk.

The more you learn about a topic , the more enthousiastic you'll be. Be emotional, don't repress your true feelings.

Talk in terms of your listeners interests, that is themselves.

By study or experience, dnow the background of your audience. Vizualize the audience as eager to know what ;you will say.

People are not much concerned about whether the governement should own the railroad: but they do want to know how to get ahead, how to draw more salary, how to keep healthy.

Give honest sincere apreciation: never openly criticize an audience. Show ;your apreciation for something they have done that is worthy of praise. (research necessary). don't flatter them. Tell them something about themselves that they did'n' think you could possibly know.

Identify yourself with the audience

in the 1st words utter some direct relationship with the group.

use names from audience

use "you" or "we" rather than "they".

Make your audience a partner in your talk:

-choose some ;members of the audience to help you demonstrate a point or dramatize an idea.

-ask questions and get responses

-get listeners vote on something

-invite them to help you solve a problem.

Play yourself down, be humble

Confucius: "he never tried to dazzle people whith his exclusive knowledge. He merely tried to enlighten them with his inclusive sympathy."