Secretary’s Corner January 2001
Well, the adventure has begun! (me as your Secretary) My waking hours are spent delving into the mysteries of ‘the’ files. Progress is being made – all the Chapter records should be computerized by the end of the year. Wish me luck! Now to the important stuff…
The 2001 dues should be mailed at your earliest convenience. They are still a bargain at $10…. In addition we are asking that you send an optional donation to us for R.A.R.A. of $3.65 (penny-a-day). Over 75% of the Companions that have already mailed in their dues have generously sent the $3.65! Will you be counted in this group? And to the Life Members and Past High Priests – we need your help as well! Let’s show Grand Chapter that we’re going to set the standard for the other Chapters!
Unfortunately Companions while I was reviewing the membership master file cards, I found that 23 of you have not yet paid 2000 dues! I hope that this is just an oversight, but letters went out to all that the records indicated had not paid in 2000. Call, write, or email me if you think you received the letter in error.
I have received a supply of RARA Raffle Tickets for the drawing that will be held at the Grand Sessions next year…. A book of 6 for $5 Please support this effort.
Mark your calendars for the 29th of January 2001 -- this is the Annual Meeting & Dinner for the York Rite Council Club of Greater St. Louis to be held at the Fenton Masonic Temple. Dinner will start at 6:30pm with the election of Officers and Annual Meeting afterwards. Dinner will only be $7.50 each (large meal by the Jobies). RSVP by the 25th of January if you are able to attend.
Thanking you in advance for all your support… David Lewis