
Iolanda Therezinha Marcier

The Saints life, the miracles and the teachings of the beatified woman, Iolanda Therezinha de Jesus, Confessor of the Romaine Apostolic Catholic Faith and member of the Rosicrucian Order, which made her existence an example to be followed by the ones who are pure in their hearts because of her immeasurable modesty, sincere charity and huge love of others. By Brother Vicente Velado, OSB. English Version by Letícia Crisóstomo da Silva.

A prayer on behalf of the ones who suffer from cancer>@@@
A life dedicated to loving others>@@@
Rule to the Hierarchy Members>@@@
An Explanation about Modesty>@@@
God (poem)>@@@
Ora et labora (poem)>@@@
Your actions should be God's...(poem)>@@@
A message to the Rosicrucians>@@@