C'mon down ... we've been expecting you ...
This page will fuck you up. It will make you take drugs whose chemical composition are beyond the spelling capacity of this author. It will cause to to start up a prostitution ring made up of 14-year-olds and destitute nuns. Eventually, you will find yourself jumping from the balcony of your local theater with running chainsaws strapped to various parts of your anatomy. It will probably be the matinee showing of Bambi as well. So, if you want to end your days as the center of attention in a big hard humming chair, by all mean, enter. And come back often.
Warning: This page is fairly graphics intensive. You may have a delay while it loads, depending on the speed of your modem. Also, it is possible that it will crash your browser. I'm working on the problem, but I'm not going to dumb the graphics down too much. So if you do crash, sorry about your luck. Go away and get a better computer.