Ideas For the Future
Currently 99% of everything Friulans read, hear on the radio or watch on
TV is in Italian. It is necessary to give people more content in Friulan.
Im not taking about poetry and great literary works. The truth is most
people dont read these things in any language. What is necessary is
daily newspapers, entertainment magazines, soap operas, sports programs,
comics etc.. Things that people will read not because they love Friulan but
for entertainment, the same reason they read or watch things in any language.
It is necessary for young Friulan journalists to make an attempt at these
things. Once the first successful venture is done others will see that the
task is not impossible. Toronto has a population of 3 million but supports
3 daily English newspapers as well as daily newspapers in Italian, Spanish,
Chinese, Portuguese and Korean. If you look at weeklies there are probably
over 100 newspapers. All of these serve communities smaller that the population
of Friuli.
Friulan must be introduced into the schools. First of all to give more prestige
to the language. Second of all to create a literate population that will
read the books, newspapers and magazines mentioned above. We currently have
few readers with not much to read. An increase in one will increase the other.
I am not advocating that all schooling be done in Friulan however we can
start with 3 to 5 hours per week and expand from that. In Toronto we have
French which is mandatory in elementary school. Also we have a heritage language
program where the languages of immigrants are taught for free by the government
after school or on Saturdays. Over 20 languages are offered, depending on
demand in a given are, these languages include, Italian, Greek, Portuguese,
Serbo/Croatian, Chinese, Korean and a few East Indian languages. If this
much consideration is given to many small groups of recent immigrants is
it too much to ask the same for Friulans who have been in Friuli for hundreds
of years.
Adult Literacy and Education of Non Friulans
If we started teaching Friulan children to read and write starting today
it will take 40 years before all adults can read and write their own language.
If possible a short booklet (10-20 pages) should be produced that will teach
people who can speak Friulan and read Italian how to read Friulan. This should
be as simple as possible so as not to intimidate casual readers. This could
be distributed free to all households across Friuli.
The Church
Each parish, by a vote by parishioners, should decide whether they want masses
in Friulan or Italian.
Andrew Cosolo
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