A page of useless (but fun) trivia These are the sites that made this one possible
Hello! My name is Ken. I have recently been gathering up some of the marbles of my life that I had lost and bring them here for you to share. Some are personal, some are fun, some may be "different", but I believe you will find most of them interesting in some way. Below, strewn about, are the marbles I've gathered for your viewing and reading. Run your mouse pointer over a marble to see what it contains and click on it. If your browser sees no graphics, or you don't want to mess with the marbles, go here for a "no frills" site index. Have fun!!
Read up on all the evidence of a design of the universe Should you vote in election 2000?

Cats, cats, cats - a little history, trivia and fun The testimony of my Christian Journey - go ahead, read it! Some of my poetry

Are you informed about Y2K?
Ever wonder about the origin of some of those silly phrases?
Here's where you can give me your feedback. Please be kind! The end-all meaning of life behind two doors - you choose.
This is my business site - Practical HTML Solutions

A large link library covering many practical areas An article I wrote on Human Sexuality - shouldn't you know what God says about it? The doctrinal foundation of my faith

Created, or evolved from mush? Look at the evidence before you answer! My fun center java games - separate from my fun pages A short story written by Charles Spurgeon
Something my Grandfather once asked me Regular old Email

This one's all about me (whoopy!!) Here's some fun stuff, including a personality test This is a study I wrote for a portion of the book of Romans on the Love of God

Last Updated 8/20/99