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Cyberian Lynx Vault

Table of Contents

I SCIENCE STUFF - All manner of science related subjects

II MEDICAL INFORMATION - Reputable sources for important questions + FDA

III NEWS : PAPERS, MAGS, and RESEARCH - Varying subjects and foreign newspapers

IV GOVERNMENT : U.S. Government sites, online legal help + I'm looking for foreign Gov't sites


VI JOB SEARCH sites. Recommended by one of my instructors.

VII SKEPTICS of Christianity. Some sources for answers - shouldn't you at least know? I left out extremist stuff.

VIII BASEBALL INFO sites. Recommended by Ed Shanahan of Brill's Content Magazine. I personally am not a sports fan of any sort. But, my older brother is, so, this listing is for him. Hope ya like it, bro!

Virtual Creatures from Stanford University A 3d transparent frog with more on the way!

Wacky Patents Old inventions that never took hold. Funny stuff!

Monterey Bay Aquarium - an online tour, plus live camera feeds. Oooh! Ahhh!

Online Science Expo just like it's name implies

Solar System Simulator - pick a spot in the universe to view

Micro Scapes A big look at very small stuff

Optical Illusion Works - Test your perception of these drawings

Under the Western Sky - learn about the stars above you

The Visible Human Viewer. Ever wonder what you look like cross - sectioned? Find out here. Not as bad, I suppose, as the REAL cross - sections Med students work with.

Sattelite Tracking In REAL time. Now this is cool! (but can be boring)

SETI (Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence)Screensaver This screensaver supposedly scans data gathered from space for anything that might indicate ET life. (They'll never give up, will they?)

The Planetary Society The org. that brings you the SETI screensaver. Blending Science Fiction with the "search for extraterrestrial life"

The Space Library - A site brought to you by NASA A good source for resources on space links.

The American Red Cross - Speaks for itself.

Medical Consultant - Virtual Medical Center. A sort of online health care center

The FDA Do your own research

Health Finder - Consumer Health and Human Services (U.S. Government)

New York Times My personal favorite

Washington Post........................... Stay informed from "where it all happens"

Harper's Weekly. Home of Harper's Index - Lots of interesting statistical information to broaden your view.

Los Angeles Times

Chicago Tribune - A real cool place to visit, if you want to travel around the U.S.

The Weather Channel Find out about anywhere

BBC News - One of the foreign papers I like Interesting to get their perspective about our "stuff"

The Hindu Homepage Another perspective. India's National Newspaper

National Review - A political magazine. I can't stress staying informed enough, can I?

Scientific American Another place to learn

Popular Science - A lot of extra goodies here - It adds to the interest in the site

National Geographic Great mag - Archived articles, kid's portion, etc.

CNN - They call this "CNN interactive". A good place to ask questions about stuff in the news

ABC The first network I've found so far

Maps on Us - A good source if you need directions Just beware - their database is sometimes limited

How Far Is It? I found this fascinating - you can calculate the distance from anywhere to anywhere, anywhere in the world.

IV GOVERNMENT : Various government(s) and LAW
The U.S. Senate Find out who your Senators are, and what they are up to

The U.S. House of Representatives - Same deal here, different set of Reps - Learn about your Government!

National Archives Look up historic documents

Our Founding Documents - View what started it all - online pics of the Constitution, Bill of Rights, etc. A quick link from the site above

THOMAS The complete source of what's up in Congress + Archives

The NSA - Yep, the National Security Agency has a website Doesn't everybody?

The FBI - as our great-grandmother used to call them - "The FIW"

The CIA - Nope, no link here. These guys are REAL serious about who views their site. Warnings all over the place, so I thought I'd avoid helping anybody get in trouble.

Consumer Law - Your online help to answer legal questions

V CHRISTIAN lynx on their own page.

Here's the first one Monster.com

And the second one - Hotjobs.com.

VII SKEPTIC'S sources for answers.
Tough Issues - Issues that make Christians squirm!

In depth answers for doubters. We all (even Christians) sometimes doubt.

Ten Reasons to Believe. From RBC Ministries. The best source for unbiased answers. See their homepage link on the Christian Lynx page.

Center for SCIENTIFIC Creation. See what scientists have determined based on the evidence.

VIII BASEBALL INFO sites. Supposedly some of the best.

Rich Johnson's Sports Pages. Provides web addresses of every big - city paper - the best way to follow a team.

Official MLB site. Links to sites for each team.

Official site of the National Association of Professional Baseball Leagues.

Major League Player's Association. The official ballplayer's site.

Ballparks by Munsey and Suppes. Everything about the ball yards you want to know.

Though I take care in entering all of the URL's for these sites, I can't get them all checked very quickly. Please send me a note ASAP on any you might find bad or no longer in service. Your help in keeping this resource updated is appreciated.