June 12th
I've found a host so here it is
... the new home to World Sites.
Now if I could just find a home
for me.
June 10th
If you're ever feeling lost try
searching for yourself on Google.
Searching for myself, I came
across a recent reply to an
article I posted back in 1999.
The title of this reply was
"WHERE IS ..." and also included
the name of another person who
used to frequent some of the same
forums. On one hand it doesn't
seem like 5 years ago.
June 2004
I've been re-organizing all my
old website ideas and have
finally come up with something.
I've been shopping around and
trying to 'catch up' with what's
available these days on the web.
I see there has been quite a bit
of progress!
May 2004
I've been thinking of working on
my old websites. I've been doing
a bit of planning. I don't think
I will re-publish any old
material but instead, I've
decided to start over.