The Kallisto Effect

Singularity of the Ego, the Id and the Eye

 Tuesday May 01, 2001 21:04:15

The AgnoBelief Cystem of Free Sovereign Individuality

There is probably nothing more important to an individual than personal freedom. Penitentiary goes against all other DNA based life forms. In an age when even your right to think is being questioned, the less you have; that can be called your own, the more precious these facets of individuality become. We can postulate on the theories for and of our existence and may eventually arrive at a unified theory of Life. However, we must also postulate on the Now. We have been born. We are here. Right where you are sitting Now. Surely, what We do with Life has as much Validity as where Life came from? The question is that if we choose to personally explore Our life and to discover our reasons for existence, to what extent are we allowed to pursue such a career?

At the end of the day, it is our actions, not our beliefs that define who we are. If however you deem it necessary to use beliefs in order to justify your actions you do nothing but perpetuate excuses formed by another.

Higher rEvolutionary Mutation

Find the Others

Mute8 each others ideas


each other
Congre8 often
Dissemin8 by reversing these numbers
Castig8 dead time
Viol8 all realities
Insinu8 to the sleeping
Eyelumin8 yourself by illuminating others

The singular is our foe & our fool

Duplicity is the instigation

Triplicity is the product

Quantum is the new search for the old

Quintiplicity is the contact with our true self

Sextuplicity rebalances the Mutation

Septuplicity empowers this creation

Octivation brings the creation & creator together as the Singular


If as speculated the earth, a few billion years ago,  was just a   sterile rock covered with puddles of chemical soup. And then random chemical combinations - formed in these puddles, and some happened to absorb nutrients from the outside, causing them to grow. They eventually split into smaller drops of roughly the same composition. The "cells" that did a better job of attracting chemicals and dividing survived and split into future generations. These cells evolved an information processing mechanism, a way of recording for posterity their recipes for success. The mechanism they evolved - the genetic code of DNA - is still in use today. With DNA came an evolutionary advantage: knowledge, as genetic recipes, could accumulate from generation to generation.  As cells became more sophisticated, they started to communicate, exchanging chemical messages. Synergistic communities developed that survived or failed together; if the community was successful, all the individuals were favoured by evolution. This step took another billion years - bringing life to the stage of multicellular communities, in which cells are no longer out for themselves: digestive cells depend on skin and muscle cells, and vice versa. These communities became so close that they collaborated in writing the whole recipe of the community on one string of DNA. The most interesting evolution shifted from the cellular level to the community level.  Next, these communities of cells, these organisms, began to abstract information and build special structures - neural structures - that did nothing but process information within the community. After communities of cells built up a data processing apparatus (the neuron), they developed structures for sensing, recording, and understanding information - eyes,  ears, and brains. With neurons, learning happened within the time span of a single organism. An organism could learn not to eat a fruit that repeatedly made it sick. Lessons no longer had to be absorbed through evolution, through the diminished fitness of millions of individuals over many millennia. Then these learning individuals started working out the quirks of communicating with each other. The most sophisticated version is human language, whereby complex ideas in one brain generate ideas in another. This lets us function as a community, and in some sense as a single organism. And so we - humanity - have repeated the process of connection, communication, and construction of specialised structures to process our communal information. We're replicating the levels of chemicals and multicellular organisms, abstracting out our methods of sensing, recording, and understanding information. Language was only the first step. Telephony, computers, and CD-ROMs are all specialised mechanisms we've built to bind us together. Now evolution takes place in  microseconds.  The first steps in the story of evolution took a billion years. The next step -  nervous systems and brains - took a few hundred million years. Thee next steps, including the development of language, took less than a million years. And the most recent steps seem to be taking only a few decades.  The process is feeding on itself and becoming autocatalytic.  And now we are beginning to depend on computers to help us evolve new computers that let us produce things of much greater complexity. Yet we don't quite understand the process - it's getting ahead of us. We're now using programs to make much faster computers so the process can run much faster. That's what's so confusing - technologies are feeding back on themselves; we're taking off. We're at that point analogous to when single-celled organisms were turning into multicelled organisms. We are amoebas and we can't figure out what the hell this thing is that we're creating.  We are not at the end of this story - we are not evolution's ultimate product. There's something coming after us,  something wonderful. But we may never be able to comprehend it, any more than a caterpillar can comprehend turning into a butterfly. The Big Picture By Danny Hillis


Fascimocracy the new way that governments get things done


The Kallisto Effect was formed on the First of May 2000 c.e.

and this date is to be forever recognised as the date of Inception.




Deoxyriboneuchaos ] The Book of Genome ] Octivation ] Castig8 ] Congeg8 ] Cre8 ] Dissemin8 ] Insinu8 ] Mute 8 ] Eyelumin8 ] Liber NuKleik ] Liber ThyMine ] Liber GuaNine ] Liber CytoSine ] Liber AdeNine ] New Page 23 ]