Circuit Eight
Hold on to your hats and breathe deeply--this is the farthest-out
that human intelligence has yet ventured: Consciousness probably precedes the biological
unit or DNA tape-loop. "Out-of-body experiences," "astral projection,"
contact with alien (extraterrestrial?) "entities" or with a galactic Overmind,
etc., such as are experienced, have all been reported for thousands of years, not merely
by the ignorant, the superstitious, the gullible, but often by the finest minds among us
(Socrates, Giordano Bruno, Edison, Buckminster Fuller, etc.). Such experiences are
reported daily to parapsychologists and have been experienced by such scientists as Dr.
John Lilly and Carlos Castaneda. Dr. Kenneth Ring has attributed these phenomena to what
he calls, very appropriately,
"the extraterrestrial unconscious."
Dr. Leary suggests that circuit VIII is literally neuro-atomic--infra, supra and
meta-physiological--a quantum model of consciousness and/or a conscious model of quantum
mechanics by the
turned-on physicists discussed previously (Prof. John Archibald Wheeler, Saul-Paul Sirag,
Dr. Fritjof Capra, Dr. Jack Sarfatti, etc.) indicates strongly that the "atomic
consciousness" first suggested by
Leary in "The Seven Tongues of God" (1962) is the explanatory link which will
unite parapsychology and paraphysics into the first scientific empirical experimental
theology in history.
When the nervous system is turned on to this quantum-level circuit, space-time is
obliterated. Einstein's speed-of-light barrier is transcended; in Dr. Sarfatti's metaphor,
we escape "electromagnetic
chauvinism." The contellignence within the quantum projection booth IS the entire
cosmic "brain," just as the micro-miniaturized DNA helix IS the local brain
guiding planetary evolution. As Lao-tse said from his own Circuit VIII perspective,
"The greatest is within the smallest."
Circuit VIII is triggered by Ketamine, a neuro-chemical researched by Dr. John Lilly,
which is also (according to a wide-spread but unconfirmed rumor) given to astronauts to
prepare them for
space. High doses of LSD also produce some circuit VIII quantum awareness.
This neuro-atomic contelligence is four mutations beyond terrestrial domesticity. (The
current ideological struggle is between circuit IV tribal moralists-or-collectivists and
circuit V hedonic
individualists.) When our need for higher intelligence, richer involvement in the cosmic
script, further transcendence, will no longer be satisfied by physical bodies, not even by
immortal bodies
hopping across space-time at Warp 9, circuit VIII will open a further frontier. New
universes and realities. "Beyond theology: the science and art of Godmanship,"
as Alan Watts once wrote.
It is therefore possible that the mysterious "entities" (angels and
extraterrestrials) monotonously reported by circuit VIII visionaries are members or races
already evolved to this level.
But it is also possible, as Leary and Sarfatti more recently suggest,
that They are ourselves-in-the-future.
The left-lobe terrestrial circuits contain the learned lessons of our evolutionary past
(and present). The right-lobe extraterrestrial circuits are the evolutionary script for
out future.
Thus far, there have been two alternative explanations of why the Drug Revolution
happened. The first is presented in a sophisticated way by anthropologist Weston LaBarre,
and in an ignorant, moralistic way by most anti-drug propaganda in the schools and mass
media. This explanation says, in essence, that millions have turned away from the legal
DOWN drugs to illegal HIGH drugs because we
are living in troubled times and many are seeking escape into fantasy. This theory, at its
best, only partially explains the ugliest and most publicized aspect of the
revolution--the reckless drug abuse
characteristic of immature. It says nothing about the millions of respectable doctors,
lawyers, engineers, etc., who have turned away from second circuit intoxication with booze
to fifth circuit rapture with weed.
Nor does it account at all for the thoughtful, philosophical sixth circuit investigations
of persons of high intelligence and deep sensibility, such as Aldous Huxley, Dr. Stanley
Grof, Masters-Houston,
Alan W. Watts, Carlos Castaneda, Dr. John Lilly and thousands of scientific and lay
researchers on consciousness.
A more plausible theory, devised by psychiatrist Norman Zinberg out of the work of
Marshall McLuhan, holds that modern electronic media have so shifted the nervous system's
parameters that young people no longer enjoy "linear" drugs like alcohol and
find meaning only in "non-linear" weed and psychedelics.
This is certainly part of the truth, but it is too narrow and overstresses TV and
computers without sufficiently stressing the general techonological picture--the ongoing
Science-Fiction Revolution
of which the most significant aspects are Space Migration, Increased Intelligence and Life
Extension, which Leary has condensed into his S.M.I^2.L.E. formula.
Space Migration plus Increased Intelligence plus Life Extension means expansion of
humanity into all space-time. S.M. + I^2. + L.E. = infinity.
Without totally endorsing Charles Fort's technological mysticism ("It steam-engines
when it comes steam-engine time"), it is obvious that the DNA metaprogram for
planetary evolution is far wiser than any of our individual nervous systems--which are, in
a sense, giant robots or sensors for DNA. Early science-fiction of brilliant writers like
Stapledon, Clarke, Heinlein; Kubrick's 2001--all were increasingly
clear DNA signals transmitted through the intuitive right lobe of sensitive artists,
preparing us for the extraterrestrial mutation.
It is scarcely coincidental that mainstream "literary" intellectuals -- the heir
of the Platonic-aristocratic tradition that a gentleman never uses his hands, monkeys with
tools or learns a manual craft--despise both science-fiction and the dope culture. Nor is
it coincidental that the WHOLE EARTH CATALOGS-- created by Stewart Brand, a graduate of
Ken Kesey's Merry Pranksters--are the New
Testament of the rural drop-out culture, each issue bulging with tons of eco-technological
information about all the manual, dextrous, gadgety know-how that Plato and his heirs
consider fit only for
slaves. Not surprisingly, Brand's latest publication, CO-EVOLUTION QUATERLY, has been
devoted to publicizing Prof. Gerard O'Neill's space-habitat, L5.
Nor is it an accident that dopers seem to prefer science-fiction to any other reading,
even including the extraterrestrial-flavored Hindu scriptures and occult-shamanic circuit
VI-VIII trip-poets like Crowley and Hesse.
The circuit VI drugs may have contributed much to the metaprogramming consciousness that
has led to sudden awareness of "male chauvinism" (women's liberationists),
"species chauvinism"
(ecology, Lilly's dolphin studies), "type-G star chauvinism" (Carl Sagan), even
"oxygen chauvinism" (the CETI conference), etc. The imprinted tunnel-realities
which identify one as "white-male-
American-earthian" etc. or "black-female-Cuban" etc. are no longer big
enough to enclose our exploding contelligence.
As TIME magazine said on November 26, 1973, "Within ten years, according to
pharmacologists, they will ahve perfected pills and cranial electrodes of providing
life-long bliss for everyone on
Earth." The 1960s hysteria about weed and acid was just the overture to this fith
circuit break-through. Nathan S. Kline, M.D., predicts real aphrodisiacs, drugs to speed
up learning, drugs to foster or
terminate any behavior. Those who were burned or jailed at the beginning of the Revolution
of Outer Technology. Those who were jailed or beaten by cops in the 1960s were forerunners
of the
Revolution of Inner Technology.
STAR TREK is a better guide to the emerging reality than anything in the NEW YORK REVIEW
OF BOOKS. The life-support and denfense-system engineer, Scotty (circuit I), the
sentimental Dr. McCoy (circuit II), the logical science officer Mr.
Spock (circuit III) and the alternately paternalistic and romantic Captain Kirk (circuit
IV) are perpetually voyaging through our future neurological history and encountering
circuit V, VI, VII, and VIII intelligences, however crudely presented.
In short, the various levels of consciousness and circuits we have been discussing, and
illustrating, are all biochemical imprints in the evolution of the nervous system. Each
imprint creates a bigger
tunnel-reality. In the Sufi metaphor, the donkey on the which we ride becomes a different
donkey after each imprint. The metaprogrammer continually learns more and is increasingly
able to be aware of itself operating. We are thus evolving to
intelligence-studying-intelligence (the nervous system studying the nervous system) and
are more and more capable of accelerating our own evolution.
Leary now symbolizes intelligence-studying-intelligence by the mark, I^2.
On the lower levels, you see with one "I," so to speak. On the higher levels,
you see with many "I"s.
And space-time shifts from three Euclidean dimensions to non-Euclidean
Associated consequences to be taken into account include:
A Metaphysiological Neuro-atomic eschatology,
predicting the imprinting of the nervous system on to atomic quantum information fields.
The Cyber-atomic Stage imprints
sub-nuclear quantum-physical and gravitational signals thus trancending biological
existence. Quantum consciousness. Nano technology.
The Nuclear Freedom
of all life forms to attain fusion with metaphysiological intelligence; to conduct nuclear
particle research. The Constraint of actions which use nuclear energy to threaten the
lives and evolution of other life forms.
Nuclear revelation (Quantum time)
Social grouping
Fusion with nuclear structure.
Level of Truth Neuro-atomic
truth; atomic-nuclear-quantum signals registered and mediated by the brain.
Reality Class The
Eigth reality is meta-physiological, meta-biological and involves contelligence projected
out from the Quantum Projection Booth.
Individual/species evolution An
ultimate metaphysiological neuro-atomic eschatology explaing what happens when
conciousness leaves the body...