International Guild of Masonic Webm@sters Logo
Garry Welch is a Fellow Webm@ster of the Int'l Guild of Masonic 
Flag of Scotland Flag of the Republic of Korea

Rose of Sharon No. 878
on the Roll of the
Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter
of Scotland

Pusan, Republic of Korea
(meets on Camp Hialeah)

Freemasonry is the world's oldest (3,000 years old) and largest (6 million
members worldwide) fraternity. Freemasons believe in the Fatherhood of God and
the Brotherhood of man.


Chapter will meet at 11:00am on Saturday 24 February 2001.

There will be a Mark Degree held at 9:30am if a candidate needs to be Marked.

Rose of Sharon Royal Arch Chapter No. 878 was chartered on 19 June 1998.

The Installation of Founding Officers was held in Seoul on 27 November 1998.

The Consecrating Officers and Distinguished Guests were led by The Grand Superintendent for the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the Far East, Most Excellent Companion Thomas Dennis Davies and his Deputy M.E. Comp. Geoffrey Howard Cox.

Rose of Sharon RAC No.878 is the first Royal Arch Chapter in the 90 year history of
Scottish Freemasonry on the Korean Peninsula.

Past Zerubbabels   of Rose of Sharon Royal Arch Chapter No. 878 S.C.

Founder Members of the Rose of Sharon Royal Arch Chapter No. 878 S.C.


Chapter Officers
First PrincipalM.E. Comp. William J. Byrd PZ
Second PrincipalM.E. Comp. William M. Alexander
Third PrincipalM.E. Comp. Mark Halvorson
Scribe 'E'M.E. Comp. Garry L. Welch PZ
Scribe 'N'E. Comp. George Keck
TreasurerE. Comp. Weechol Jung
First SojournerE. Comp. David W. Halliday
Second SojournerE. Comp.
Third SojournerE. Comp. Raphael Akiki
D. of C.E. Comp.
Supt. of WorksE. Comp. Jung Woo Nam
1st GuardE. Comp. Kim Kwang Ha
2nd GuardE. Comp. Lawrence Nagouchi
3rd GuardE. Comp. Choon-Sung Lee
JanitorE. Comp. William Batey

Webmaster of this site is Garry Welch

Important Masonic Links
Grand Lodge
District Grand Lodge
of the
Far East
in the
Republic of Korea
Lodge Han Yang
No. 1048 S.C.
Lodge Pusan
No. 1675 S.C.
Harry S. Truman
No. 1727 S.C.
MacArthur Lodge
No. 183
Grand Lodge
of the
Int'l. Guild
Masonic Webm@sters
Masonic Service
Association N.A.
The Philalethes

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© Copyright 1998. Rose of Sharon Royal Arch Chapter No.878. All rights reserved.

Last Updated On 27 December 2000

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