Tiffy's Happy Place


Welcome to my little page!

I'm sorry if you don't like it. Can't please everbody now can I? If you really really don't like it then you can leave. Simple enough? ;-)

Let's tell ya a little about myself! I'm 17 years old and now I'm officially a SENIOR in a little school in South Carolina. I'm usually a happy little girl :-). On to my stuff....

ME!!................. Just some more things about me in case you wanna know. :-)
Kickin' Links!.... Some of my very favorite places to see on the net. :-)
Strange Links..... Strange sites...really really strange.
Banners............. Well....banners.
Poem................. Read this poem my best friend wrote. It's really good.
Pics................... Here are, like, two pictures of me. I'll have more someday.

Well, that's all I have now. I know it's not a lot but I'm hoping that someday I'll have some more pictures to put up here and maybe some of my art and other stuff. If you wanna talk to me or comment (good or bad...hopefully good) on my simple little page:

Email me


The AOL Instant Messenger names that I use are usually KinkyChic1, RedRosey00, and lovef00l 2.

I have Yahoo pager and my name on that is Rainbow_Blaze.

You could also ICQ me but just don't expect a quick response from me then. My # is 15492702.

And please sign my book! :-) I'm asking nicely.

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