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To really know a language is to understand the humor in the jokes of that language, those that play with the sounds and meanings of words and expressions. This page presents a collection of jokes told throughout the Spanish speaking world. The criteria for inclusion is that they are all Spanish jokes, ie. The humor is entirely dependent on the Spanish language.
The educational purpose of this page is threefold:
There are many more chistes at the following sites:
(NB: I have not checked out every chiste at these sites; you may find some to be offensive.)
El gallego entra al consultorio del medico y comienza a gritar:
-Odio a todo el mundo. Odio a mi mujer, y a mi suegra y a mi suegro.
Odio a mis sobrinos y odio a mis amigos. Odio a mis enemigos y odio al
presidente y odio a todos los ministors y, para terminar, lo odio a usted.