The following is the text of a
lecture delivered in the Lodge
VWFra. Graeme Love, VIIth Grade
Past Celebrant & Director of Studies,
Francis Bacon College, SRIA
218 Research Fellow
on Friday, 23 May, 2003
Freemasonry is a school of esoterics'
dominated by, and in turn,
almost destroyed by orthodoxy, so blind as to not see itself in its true light.
Volem Geare 03130
You live perpetually
in light
The light which enters every sphere:
You have never been seen
No eye can see Your Form
Or Your Unclouded Nature.
The Jesus Sutras
The Fourth Liturgical Sutra (The Supreme)
Verses 11 & 12
When contemplating this subject, I considered it too sacred for a Craft lodge. Then I thought, we are a Research Lodge let's run with it. Some will be lost, or not able to make sense of what is being said, but at least we all should LEARN something. Therefore, with this paper, my aim is to strip away the veneer from CRC, just as scholars are now doing with Jesus. Is this wrong? I say No as my God gave me a brain to think with, and freemasonry informs me that I should study the Arts and Sciences.
Many may still say; "What is a Christian Rosencreutz?" This leads us to - Is a Christian Rosencreutz, a human or what? This you could say is the nub of this paper.
Let me quote from a passage of ritual of the masonic order known as Societas
Rosicrucian in Anglia (SRIA), so as to indicate the course of this paper;
"To the Pious Memory of our Illustrious Founder, CRC", hence
I say - Who?
Let us begin by outlining what SRIA is.
Societas Rosicrucian in Anglia - is a Masonic Order (English Constitution)
for those Craft Master Mason holden with a Trinitarian Christian belief, yet
also considered to have an esoteric enquiring nature. It was founded on 1st
June 1867. My mother College (=lodge) was consecrated on 21st Jan 1886 (the
3rd college of SRIA in the world). I was a Foundation Committee member of Francis
Bacon College which was consecrated on 5th April 1983, so it is 20 years old.
SRIA has a 9 grade (=degree) structure arranged in Three Orders. First Order
- I, II, III, IV; Second Order - V, VI, VII; Third Order - VIII, IX. Briefly,
the structure has a High Council (=Grand Lodge); led by a Supreme Magus (=Grand
Master); with a Chief Adept (= Prov. GM); and a College (= Lodge) structure
led by a Celebrant (= Worshipful Master). Generally there are 4 Meetings per
Year. If a brother has a further interest please contact me on (03) 9870 6009,
or email: volem@alphalink.com.au
1) The Oxford English Reference Dictionary 1996
C - nothing; RC - nothing
Rosicrucian: a member of a 17th- and 18th century occult society, devoting itself to metaphysical and mystical lore, especially that concerning the transmutation of metals, prolongation of life, and power over the elements. An anonymous pamphlet of 1614, telling the story of a mythical knight of the 15th century called Christian Rosenkreuz, is said to have launched the Movement.
2) The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary 1993.
Rosicrucian: a member of a 17th- and 18th century society, reputedly founded
by Christian Rosenkreutz in 1484, devoted to metaphysical and mystical lore,
as that concerning transmutation of metals, prolongation of life, and power
over the elements and elemental spirits.
3) A Universal Critical and Pronouncing Dictionary of The English Language
by Joseph E. Worcester.
Rosicrucian: One of a sect of visionary philosophers or speculators, that appeared
in Germany, about the end of the 16th century.
4) Macquarie - Australia's National Dictionary, revised third
edition, 2001.
CRC - Camera-ready copy; RC - Red Cross or Roman Catholic
Rosicrucian: a) one of a number or body of persons ( an alleged secret society)
prominent in the 17th and 18th centuries, laying claims to various forms of
occult knowledge and power, and professing esoteric principles of religion.
b) A member of a modern similarly named body, professing links to the older
5) The Rev. Castells definition is even more confusing when
he uses terms/statements as:- 'centenario major'; what CRC meant is not solved;
the story of CRC embodied an allegory; and Michael Maier (1616) uses Rosenkreutz
hence C.R.K, not C.R.C.!! One word springs to mind CHAOS.
They sadly do not explain that, which is our aim, that is, 'What is a CRC?'
Hence is it (CRC) - 1) a concept;
2) a person;
3) a philosophical idea;
4) a religion;
5) political party; or
6) is it an organisation, secret society, etc?
These dictionary definitions give us two historical reference points for Rosicrucian(s)
- 1484 CE & 17th, 18th centuries CE - yet still no definition of CRC.
Our first date is 1484, and this harks of Martin Luther (1483-1546). The man
famous for nailing 95 (or 98) theses (religious points) on the door of the Wittenberg
Church in 1517. Prior to 1517, which led to it, Martin Luther was influenced
by the monastic beliefs of St. Augustine (354-430 CE, the Neo-Platonist mystic)
and the writings of the German mystic philosopher, Johann Tauler (c.1300-1361),
who in turn had been influenced by the sect, "Friends of God", in
Basel, Switzerland.
The Reformation was the 16th century movement to reform the doctrine and practices of the Roman Catholic Church, although The (Church) Institution did not recognise it. Aspects, of this Reformation, involved Lollards and Hussites (these were 14th century), also humanists such as Erasmus (c.1469-1536) all involving the wealth and hierarchical structure of the Roman Church. Yet Erasmus of Rotterdam, for all humanism, was declared by his Church to be one of the auctores damnati (a damned person) in 1612.
MARTIN LUTHER. He was a priest who by 1507 had gained his Degree of Biblical Bachelor then studied for his Master of the Sentences (Sententiarius) (Rhetoric) based on "Sentences of Lombardus" (Logic). His was of a critical logic of the Bible evaluation, as against Vatican engineered Blind Faith, which was based on Romans I: 16-17.
"16: For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power
of God unto
salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
17: For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith:
as it is written, The just shall live by faith."
Although starting out as a devout pilgrim, on reaching Rome, he was painfully
impressed by its secularized ecclesiasticism and its low moral standard. His
struggle to find a gracious God lay in his personal temperament, his lofty religious
and moral ideal alongwith the religious, the practical, and the theological
teaching of the Medieval Church.
Let us remember that in 1447 the capacity of indulgence for increasing the papal
revenues, was extended by Pope Calixtus III to incorporate souls in purgatory.
This practice was based on the doctrine of the "Treasure of the Church",
consisting of the infinite merits of Christ and the superfluous merits of the
saints, which was elaborated by Thomas Aquinas (a person of high moral standard,
certainly not) and officially sanctioned by Pope Clement VI in 1343. The common
term for this totally immoral practice by the Roman Catholic Church was the
"Sale of Indulgences" to rid oneself, one's family, and one's deceased
relatives of Sin.
Turning back to Martin Luther, in October 1512 he gained his Doctor of Theology
and subsequently superseded the Vicar-General Staupitz as professor of biblical
literature at the Black Monastery at Wittenberg.
Luther (c.Dec. 1520) set forth his three great reform treatises;-
1) An address to the German nobility.
The abuses rampant in the Church appeals to the German nobility to reform the
Church re: its divine authority, its Christian character and its ethical functions.
2) The Babylonish Captivity of the Church.
Attacked the medieval sacramental system, reduced the number of sacraments from
7 to 3, and asserted the right of the individual Christian to emancipate themselves
from priestly bondage.
3) The freedom of a Christian Man.
In non-controversial terms, it expounded his fundamental doctrine of justification,
which involves alike; the freedom of the individual from the work-righteousness
of medieval religion; obligation of self-discipline; and service for others;
as the indispensable fruit of justifying faith.
NB: I suggest these three may be seen as the guiding ecclesiastical philosophy
behind the "Rosicrucian" FAMA, CONFESSIO, and the WEDDING.
More concerning this later.
On May 4th, 1521, after the sitting of the Diet of Worms (Jan-May 1521), where
he successfully argued his case against the Papal Bull of Excommunication, he
was intercepted by horsemen, in the Thuringian forest, of the elector of Saxony.
They led him furtively to the electors castle of the Wartburg. The heroic monk,
while under Papal Excommunication, had won the sympathy and support of a large
proportion of his (German) countrymen on material, economic and religious grounds.
While at Wartburg he used the pseudonym of "Knight George" till 1522.
If we are to look for an "Invisible Group" I suggest we look to Melanchthon,
Occolampadius, Bucer, Hutton, etc., as the men behind Luther. Although not being
a formal Cabal, later history may have seen it as such. More about this later.
At the diet of Augsburg in 1530, Melanchthon presented a confession of the Lutheran
faith, now known as the "Confession of Augsburg". The rest is history.
Luther died in 1546. Thus we leave Luther for now, and turn to Rosicrucianism.
A fraternity which endeavours to regain Christian Traditions NOT the dogmatic,
institutionalised theology preached by that institution. The Church, hence allows
for an involvement of Hermeticism, Cabalism, etc., which is/was part of the
.Surely this is almost Lutheranism!John
Ferguson defines Rosicrucianism as offering an esoteric mystical gnosis. Truth
is the Great Architect of the Universe. Wow, if this is the case, then freemasons
have no reason to set the requirement as Trinitarian Christian for their Rosicrucian
ESOTERIC MYSTICAL GNOSIS = Secret Unexplained Knowledge including that
of a spiritual nature).
Margaret Jacob in 'Freemasonry and Politics in 18th Century Europe', quotes Yates as finding 17th century actors and actresses advocating Rosicrucianism and using the stage as a podium to spread that mystical gospel. (pge 133). Eighteenth century mystical rituals of La Loge de Juste were quite possibly a 18th century carry over from what Jacobs has referred to.
To our other "date" (1600-1629), let us now ask the same question
- Were there any major world events?
Political and Religious problems in Germany during early 17th Century.
1) The 'Old Holy Roman (Catholic) Empire' was deeply divided by religious dissension.
2) Queen Elisabeth I (England) had strong allies with Protestant princes of
northern Europe.
3) 1603, Queen Elizabeth I dies, James VI (of Scotland, son of Mary Queen of
Scots) becomes James I of England.
4) 1613 Feb, German Protestants herald marriage of Princess Elizabeth Stuart
(daughter James I of England) and Frederick V (Elector of the Palatinate) as
a major Protestant alliance.
TUDOR Royal House - Red Rose
St. GEORGE - Red Cross
Here was the Marriage of the "ROSE and CROSS".
As the Royal couple returned to Heidelberg, after the wedding, there was jubilation
of a new Protestant Europe. This was the inspiration for the authors of the
Rosicrucian manifestos!!
The Rosicrucian philosophy in the 17th century was kept alive in Germany and
England through the writings of:
Heinrich Khunrath; a Hamburg hermetic philosopher with cabalistic leanings.
(The author/creative philosopher, along with Dee, are the founders of rosicrucianism!!)
1609 - "The Amphitheatre of Eternal Wisdom" including the Cave
of the Illuminati.
Michael Maier, personal physician to Rudolf II. Primary German defender of Rosicrucian
Robert Fludd, an Oxford Graduate. Fellow, Royal College of Physicians. Writings
such as;
1616 - "A Compendius Apology for the Fraternity of the Rosy Cross".
1617 - "Apologetic Treatise for the Integrity of the Society of the Rosy
Thomas Vaughan ("Eugenius Philalethes") was Fludd's primary successor.
Writings such as;
1650 - "Anthroposophia Theomagica"
1652 - first English translation of "Fama" and "Confessio"
Francis Bacon, Lord Chancellor of England in 1618.
His "Advancement of Learning" and "New Atlantis"
contain the philosophy, symbolism and ideals of the Rosicrucian manifestos.
Others of the 15th and 16th centuries were;
Marcilio Ficino Johann Reuchlin Francesco Giorgi
Giovanni Pico della Mirandola Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa
Their writings included a mix of, Renaissance Neoplatonism; Hermeticism; and
Christian Cabalism. This saw writings such as those of, Theophrastus Bombast
von Hohenheim (1493-1541) (Paracelsus). Not to be left out, Elizabethan England
was influenced by these writings, and its most well known writer, of the time,
being Dr.John Dee (1527-1608), son of a royal official (reign of Henry VIII).
He was known as the "Elizabethan Magus".
The religious atmosphere of the era was horrendous;
1533 Henry VIII (applied Bible authority), then excommunicated by the Pope,
Pope Paul III using Church authority,
1540 Society of Jesus ("Jesuits")
(Jesuit Mayrhofer states; ".. We will not be judged if we demand the killing
Protestant's, any more than
. for (committing) murder (etc)
1542 Inquisition powers widened to every Catholic territory
1545-1563 Council of Trent delivers;
i) Index of Prohibited Books (was to last until 1966)
ii) the Church had the sole and exclusive right to interpret scripture.
We must remember that during the period of the Thirty Years War (1618-1648)
the population of Europe, according to some authorities, fell from 16 million
to 6 million; starvation and disease being the combined causes. Yet, Wedgwood
in "The Thirty Years War", on page 452, suggests a more accurate figure
would be closer to, from 21.5 million down to 13.5 million.
This was also a period of Scientific Revolution, eg.,
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) first true scientist (no connection to CRC).
Francis Bacon (1561-1626) views instrumental in founding the Royal Society.
Rene Descartes (1596-1650) "father of modern philosophy".
Robert Boyle (1627-1691) founding member of the Royal Society.
Some other people of the period were;
Copernicus (1473-1543) Polish astronomer
Isaac de Luria (1533-1572) "Founder of the modern Cabala". A subject
as the 'Purification of the Soul'.
Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) Italian philosopher. He 'grafted' Cabala onto
Hermeticism = Rosicrucianism. The Inquisition
burned him at the stake.
Shakespeare (1564-1616) His 'Works' added 1,000s of new words to the
English language.
Galileo (1564-1642) Italian astronomer and physicist
Kepler (1571-1630) German astronomer
Campenalla (1548-1639) Italian philosopher
Other pertinent writings of the period;
1550 Cremona text of Zohar (Book of Enlightenment - it dares to examine ones
assumptions about tradition, God and self).
1558 Mantua text of Zohar.
1562 Mantua text of Yetzirah (Book of Creation).
1566 Zakut's text of Yuhasin (genealogies).
Before we turn to Dee himself, let us remind ourselves that in 1550 there was large scale book burning held at Oxford and Cambridge 'in the name of the Reformation'. Even Dee's library of 3,000 manuscript volumes and 1,000 books were hit by arson during 1586, while Dee was in Europe. Remember this was the period of The Inquisition (1542 onwards). The World of Europe was in foment.
In 1564, at Antwerp, he had published his "Monas Hieroglyphica".
The book was a combination of geometric, cabalistic, astrological and alchemical
symbolism. This was the First Generation Marriage where the Rose, the Cross,
the separate philosophies of Renaissance Neoplatonism and Christian Cabalism
were merged.From 1583 he spent six years, mostly in Prague, promoting his
idea of a new Reformation.
The following three publications became collectively known as the "Rosicrucian manifestos", heralded the beginning of "Rosicrucianism" eliciting excitement, confusion, acclaim and denunciation by the Intelligentsia of Europe. This was the Second Generation Marriage.
Before we move on, what of these "manifestos"? Are they what they
seem? Let us try to find out.
1614 Germany, printed by Wilhem Wessel at Kassel - 'The Universal
and General Reformation of the Whole Wide World: together with the Fama Fraternitatis
of the Laudable Fraternity of the Rosy Cross Written to All the Learned and
the Rulers of Europe'. Within this publication and much more famous - "Fama
Fraternitatis dess Loblichen Ordens des Rosenkreutzes". The Proclamation
of the Fraternity of the laudable Order of the Rosicrucians, ie., to proclaim
to the world the existence of a benevolent secret brotherhood of Christian alchemists
whose purpose was to initiate a new reformation. There was, within it, a description
of the life of Christian Rosenkrautz, the alleged founder of the fraternity,
his death in 1484 and rediscovery of his tomb in 1604. The new reformation
was to be a scientific reformation as well as a religious and philosophical
reformation. But remember, the 'General Reformation' first section appears
to be nothing more than a translation into German of chapter 77 of Boccalini's
"Ragguagli di Parnaso", ie., News from Parnassus (1612-1613), while
the FAMA is the Rosicrucian manifesto.
The FAMA recounts the journey of CRC, the reputed founder of Rosicrucianism, who was allegedly born in 1378 and lived for 106 years. He is now generally regarded to have been symbolic rather than a real character; whose story provided a legendary expalanation of the Order's origin. According to the Fama, CRC acquired secret wisdom on trips to Egypt, Damascus, Damcar in Arabia and Fes in Morocco.
In Dec. 1611, Prince Augustus von Anhalt receives a copy of the 'Fama' from Adam Haslmayr. Yet Haslmayr falls foul of the Inquisition, not realising that von Anhalt's castle at Plotzkau, (East) Germany, contained a Rosicrucian library, so states Churton.
1615 "Confessio Fraternitatis R.C., Ad Eruditos Europae"
(The Confession of the Fraternity of the Rosy Cross, to the Learned of Europe)
This work contained within it a near word-for-word quotation (plagarism?), under
the title "A Brief Consideration of the More Secret Philosophy"
from Dee's "Monas Hieroglyphica". Can we ask if this, inclusion
of "a brief consideration of the more secret philosophy" was an attempt
to appease the Intelligentsia of Europe? That is an attempt to re-combine science
and church.
1616 "Chymische Hochzeit" (Chemical Wedding) - a strange
alchemical romance.
This text contained within it the symbol of Dee's "Monas".
AUTHOR: Johann Valentin Andreae, a Lutheran pastor and mystic, at Tubingen
Andreae's personal coat-of-arms, like Martin Luther's includes the ROSE and
CROSS motif. Yet, according to Schuchard, "
current scholarship
suggests composite authorship by Andrae and his colleagues at Tubingen".
Here we have an author who is very shrewd, he presents an appeasement (wedding),
ie., a Marriage of Alchemy (Intelligentsia of Europe) with the new Protestantism
of Europe for political acceptance of the Religious Brotherhood, just
as was a similar case for brethren who formed the Grand Lodge of London and
Westminster in 1717.
Why most authors only refer to THREE manifestos I do not know. The fourth (of 1617) being;
1617 Invitatio Fraternitatis Christi ad sacri amoris candidatos (1617/18).
All of the following were printed at Strassburg, Zetzner, written in 1617, published
in 1629 (primary part), written in 1618, published in 1628 (secondary part);
also "Babel, the judicíous chaos of the Fraternity of the Rosy Cross,
published 1619. Refer: F. E. Held, "Christianopolis, An Ideal State of
the Seventeenth Century", Oxford 1916.
THE OFFSPRING, of the Manifestos, was the Rosicrucian philosophy that influenced Protestant Europe for the next several centuries.
The "THIRTY YEARS WAR" (and its effect on the fledgling Rosicrucian
1618-1648 The period of "The Thirty Years War" (the third and worst
of the religious wars arising out of the Reformation), which was principally
a religious war within Germany, but at the same time political quarrels raged
within the religious question. It was the Protestant "Union" v. the
Catholic "League".
NB: The 'other two' were civil wars; 1) c.1522 - caused by the substitution
of Roman laws for the old feudal law which removed the power of the Ritterschaft
(the knighthood of the empire); 2) Peasant's War (Baurnkreig) which was assisted
by the knights.
1612 Death of Emperor Rudolph II caused a struggle for the Crown of the Holy
Roman Empire. An Empire deeply divided by religious dissension.
1619 Bohemia in full revolt against the new Hapsburg emperor, Ferdinand II.
Next came Frederick V, but his army was defeated by the Catholic league forces
near Prague in Nov. 1620.
Wedgewood in the "Thirty Years War" (pge.7 Folio Edition) seems to
sum-up the period quite well when he says; "Theological controversy became
habitual reading of all classes, sermons directed their politics and moral tracts
beguiled their leisure. Among the Catholics the cult of the Saints reached
proportions unheard of for centuries, (Ed. Until the present Pope's era),
and assumed a dominant part in the experience of the educated as well of the
masses; miracles once again made the life of everyday bright with hope. The
changes of the material world, the breakdown of old traditions and the insufficiency
of dying conventions drove men and women to the spiritual and inexplicable.
Those whom the wide arms of the Church could not reach took refuge in
the occult: Rosicrucianism had crept from Germany to France
Fear of
witchcraft grew among the educated and devil worship spread among the populace.
Black magic was practiced from the desolate north of Scotland to the Mediterranean
". Refer p.35 Andrae in "Thirty Years War" Folio
But let us not forget this was a period when Germany was both intellectually
and culturally at its lowest. Hence the theologian Johann Valentin Andrae was
seen to be a person of exception in his country.
Remember, 1598 gives us the extant existence of Aitcheson's Haven lodge, Mid-Lothian,
Scotland, and in 1638 with the publication, in Edinburgh, of Henry Adamson's
poem The Muses Threnodie, which included the following lines;
For what we do presage is not in gross,
For we brethren of the Rosie Cross:
We have the Mason word and second sight,
Things for to come we can fortell aright
Then in 1676 connection was made again when it was announced in the Poor Robin's Intelligence, which satirized the Fraternity, by mentioning "the Modern Green-ribbon'd Caball, together with the Ancient Brotherhood of the Rosy-Cross, the Hermetic Adepti, and the Company of Accepted Masons". This does not prove a connection between Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism but it does recognise a public perceived link.
Yates gives an interesting comment; "Although Shaw (of Statutes 1598 fame) was imbued with mystical Hermeticism of the late Renaissance, within a few decades freemasons also developed an affinity toward Rosicrucianism, an originally German form of mystical idealism that called for universal education and reform in terms that evoked the late Renaissance devotion to the Hermetic quest for human perfection. Sadly, all this was lost once London (England) by the early 1700s had transformed mystical masonry into a society of - Constitutions, Laws and Governance. A people more interested in party politics and parliamentary debate, than mystical mental expansionism!".
Hence, may we say that "Rosicrucians" were people who enjoyed the mystical and esoteric way of life which eventually led to the Church's reform. To overcome the Church's label of Heresy they enveiled their thoughts within the science of Alchemy. This concept (destruction of the total control of the Papacy) which began with Luther, included the 30-year War (1618-1648) and reached the public with the publication of the so-called 'rosicrucian manifesto', The FAMA.
CRC was NEVER a person, rather it was an Intellectual Movement (of 100 years) which roughly spanned 1517 (when Luther nailed his Theses to the Church door) to 1614 (production of the Fama).
Today's freedom of thought negates the requirement for the old Rosencreutz
but requires a NEW version for today's world. SRIA fails in this respect that
old thinking equates to the 16th century hence the Canadian Experiment and disillusionment
in Rosicrucian (masonic) circles worldwide. Throw out 18th/19th century Rosicrucian
thought and create a 21st century manifesto. Why not, the old manifestos were
a creation of the human mind, at a period in history. With the sad state of
the Christian Church we surely need a new manifesto.
Net Addresses:
1. www.meta-religion.com/Esoterism/Rosacrucism/rosicrucian_manifestoes.html
2. www.crcsite.org
3. www.dundee.ac.uk/american/christianopolis.html (written in 1619)
4. www.americanreligion.org/cultwtch/rosicruc.html
5. www.freemasonry.bcy.ca/Writings/rosicrucians.html
6. www.mastermason.com/felkincollege
7. www.piatkus.co.uk
8. Key-in "Augsburg Confession" at your Search Engine, to obtain a
1. Wedgwood, C.V., "The Thirty Years War", Folio Society 1938 edition,
London. released 1999.
2. Greensill, T.M., "History of the S.R.I.A.". Privately Published
for High Council, London, 1987. Chapters 2 & 6.
3. Palmer, Martin, "The Jesus Sutras", Piatkus, Great Britain, 2001.
ISBN 0-7499-2265-6 (Pbk).
4. Yates, F.A., "Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition", Rutledge
& Kegan Paul, 1964. Pgs 36 & 37. ISBN 0-7100-2337-5 (UK) & ISBN
0-226-95002-6 (USA)
5. Encyclopeadia Brittanica, "Peasants War", 1939, Vol.10, Germany,
pgs 265.
6. Jacob, M. "Living the Enlightenment: Freemasonry and Politics in 18th
Century Europe", Oxford University Press, 1991. pge 133. ISBN 0-19-506992-7
7. Jacob, M., "The Radical Enlightenment: Pantheists, Freemasons and Republicans",
George Allen & Unwin, London. 1981. ISBN 0-04-901029-8.
8. Churton, T., "The True Story of the Rosicrucians", Sabiot Trucohn
Books, 1998.
9. McIntosh, C., "The Rosicrucians", Weiser, New York, 1997.
10. Yates, F.A., "The Occult Philosophy in the Elizabethan Age", Ark
Paperbacks, 1983. ISBN 0-7448-0001-3.
11. Gaukroger, S., "Descartes: an intellectual biography", Clarendon
Press, Oxford, 1995. ISBN 0-19-823994-7.
12. Schuchard, M.K., "Restoring The Temple of Vision: Cabalistic Freemasonry
and Stuart Culture". Brill, Leiden. 2002. Pge 287. ISBN 90-04-12489-6.
13. Hopkins, Simmons & Wallace-Murphy, "Rex Deus". Element Book
publishers, 2000. Pge 64. ISBN 1-86204-472-4 (Hardback). 1-86204-834-7 (Softcover).
14. Waite, A.E., "Real History of the Rosicrucians", Steinerbooks,
USA, 1977. ISBN 0-89345-019-7 (Paperback).
15. Dee, Dr.J., "The Hieroglyphic Monad", Samuel Weiser Inc., New
York. 1975 (of 1564 edition). ISBN 0-87728-276-5.
16. Paris, E., "The Secret History of the Jesuits". Protestant Truth
Society of London. 1975. No ISBN. Pgs 36-39.
17. Castells, The Rev. F. de P., "Our Ancient Brethren: The Originators
of Freemasonry". A. Lewis publishers, London. 1932. No ISBN. Pge 39.
18. Maierus, Michael, "Themis Aurea". English Ed. 1656. Commonly known
as 'The Laws of the Fraternity of the Rosie Crosse'.
19. Gilchrist, Cherry, "Alchemy: The Great Work". The Aquarian Press.
1984. ISBN 0-85030-381-8. Pgs 117-118.
Journals :
1. Freemasonry today, "The First Rosicrucians" by Tobias Churton.
Summer 2001, Issue 17.
2. Freemasonry today, "The Rosicrucian Furore" by Tobias Churton.
Autumn 2001, Issue 18.
Other references:
1. A 20th century Latin Dictionary published in Edinburgh, Scotland.
2. Townsend's Manual of Dates, Warne & Co., London. 1867.
3. Barrett, D. V., "Secret Societies", Blandford Books, UK. 1997.
ISBN 0-7137-2647-4.
4. Popow, V., "Masonic Rosicrucianism - Origins & Aspects", 218
Transactions, Studies in Masonry, 2000.
5. Lepper, VWFra. J., "Problems of the Fama", SRIA High Council Private
Publication, 1928.
6. Mather & Nichols, "Dictionary of Cults, Sects, Religions and the
7. Case, P., "The True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order", Samuel Weisner
Inc., Maine, USA. 1981. ISBN 0-87728-608-6.
8. Waite, A., "The Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross", University Books,
New Jersey, USA. 1973. ISBN 0-8216-0169-5.
9. Gilbert, R., "The Magical Mason", The Aquarian Press, England.
1963. ISBN 0-85030-373-7
10. Hall, M., "An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic
and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy", The Philosophical Research Society
Inc., California, USA. 1977. ISBN 0-89314-539-4.
11. Jennings, H., "The Rosicrucians", London. 1879.
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to the Correspondence Circle Secretary:
W Bro Graeme Love, PJGD
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Updated: 15 September 2004