Blue is the appropriate color for candles used in the following types of magick: astral projection, spells and rituals that involve honor, loyalty, peace, tranquility, truth, and wisdom. Burn blue candles for protection during sleep (especially against nightmares, incubus or succubus demons, and psychic attack). They can also assist in the inducing dreams of a prophetic nature when anointed with oil containing powdered mugwort, and burned prior to bedtime. As a healing visualization color, blue soothes and relaxes. It is excellent for treating such ailments as burns, diarrhea, fever, headaches, high blood pressure, insomnia, menstrual pain, rheumatism, skin rashes, sore throat, sunburn, ulcers, and minor wounds. It is a color sacred to the Pagan dieties Aditi, Chloris, Dyaus, Ea, Hathor, Horus (royal blue), Neptune, Nut (royal blue), Poseidon (light blue), Tiwaz, Uranus, and Xochiquetzal. An aura that appears blue, or blue combined with green indicates good health and/or the overcoming of personal karmic patterns from previous