Red is the appropriate color for candles used in the following types of magick: fertility rites, aphrodisiacs, and spells involving sexual passion, love, health, physical strength, revenge, anger, willpower, courage, and magnetism. Spells involving persons born under the astrological sign of Aries or Scorpio will be more potent if red candles are used. As a healing visualization color, red symbolizes energy and life. It is a fiery invigorating color which is recommended for treating such ailments as anemia, cancer, exhaustion, frostbite, leukemia, liver infections, neuralgia, paralysis. It is a color sacred to the Pagan dieties Angi, Aodh, Aphrodite, Astarte, Ceras, Chenobog, Chu-Jung, Durga, Eros, Freya, Hestia, Inanna, Ishtar, Kupala, Loki, Morrigan (scarlet), Nemesis, Odin, Pele, Skhmet (crimson), Vesta, and Woden. A completely red aura is believed to indicate an individual's deteriorating health or the presence of disease. The brighter the shade of red appears in an aura, the greater the likelihood of a serious health problem.

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