"As Diane's World Turns"

...last updated 2/22/08...(light dusting)

There's my life going down the road....
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Meet the Family!

Bike Stuff

Bike Links

What's "Was" New

My Stuff

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This is a personal/biker web page created back in 1999 that evolved for the next few years. Everyone new to HTML, including me, got on the bandwagon and started creating with this really cool medium with no experience, no instruction, only ideas and time and it escalated from there.

Like many webpages created back in the early days, this too, has been abandoned because of lack of time, newer technology, including web design/editing tools, and lack of bandwidth and space. I can't bring myself to delete it just yet therefore it remains here in limbo and I can at least come back to peruse the photos and memories. There were alot more riding adventures before I understood I needed an .index page and Yahoo deleted many of them.

If you happen by, I hope you enjoy the visit. Watch out for broken links, outdated information, and getting lost in a tangled web of unintelligible humor and past memories in the making. Proceed at your own risk.

Since January 4, 1999 your guest number: