The German Americans: A New Video.

The German-American Heritage Society
           of Greater Washington, D.C.

            The German-American Heritage Society of Greater Washington, D.C.

        Join us to explore the rich cultural heritage German-speaking immigrants have
        bequeathed to our nation and capital.  We meet generally once a month.  Our meetings
        feature knowledgeable speakers and a variety of programs.  We also visit German-
        American sites and German restaurants and hold a summer picnic and a
.  As a member of our Society, you can listen to fascinating lectures and participate
        in exciting tours.  You can also do your own research and offer lectures or tours.
        You will receive our
Newsletter with interesting information about the contributions
        of German-speakers to Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia.  It will also inform
        you about our upcoming events and those of other German-American organizations
        in the National Capital Area.  We cordially invite you to join us in searching our
        Germanic roots.         
Your Application Form is below:

Samples of Articles published in our Newsletter:

German-American Historical Sites in the  Washington Area.

Jamestown, VA.

A German-American Tour of Washington, D.C.

Of Things Germanic in the Library of Congress.

A Bit of Germany

A Child's Christmas in the Bavarian Forest

German-American  Day.

George Washington's German "Cousin"

Book Reviews

Colonial Williamsburg, VA

  OUR NEXT EVENT: "Robert Portner, Brewer, Shipbuilder, Banker, Inventor, German-American Benefactor" Sunday, March 4, 2 to 4 pm, Northern Virginia Community College, Alexandria Campus, Bisdorf Building auditorium

    President Emerita and Founder: Nancy Pierce
    President Emeritus: Volker K. Schmeissner
    Past President: Bradford W. Miller, Jr., 301/572-6803
    President: Gary C. Grassl, 301/423-3937
    Vice President: Stephen J. Hollands, 301/891-2711
    Secretary: Dan C. Heinemeier, 703/524-8757
    Treasurer: Wallace Rossmiller, 301/474-4069
    Archivist: Eda S. Offutt, 301/530-4299
    Board of Advisors: Robert E. Lee, Edgar Grunwald

Joachim Gans of Prague and   America's First Science Center

Society for Contemporary American Literature in German:

                                                       Membership application to
The German-American Heritage Society of Greater Washington, D.C.

           Annual, tax-deductible membership dues payable to G-A HSGW; single $15, family $20, sponsor $25.      

                                                                                          Please send form to
                              Wallace Rossmiller, Treasurer, G-A HSGW, 7616 Charlton Ave., College Park, MD 20740.

       For German-American goods, books, heritage and history

  For Austrian, German and Swiss
    cultural events in the Washington area:

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