Welcome to the
Washington Twp.

Lions Club
of Indianapolis
Chartered -October, 2001 (Our First Year)
The Indy Washington Township Lions Club is a merger of the Nora Lions Club and the
Indianapolis Northside Lions Club.
Our sympathies are extended to the families of Lion Seth Moore who passed away April 17th, and to PDG Jim Hall for the loss of his wife Alice on April 21st.
                                                                 Next Club Meeting: May 20, 2002
Our next meeting will be on Monday May 20, 2002 at 6:30 PM.. The meeting will be at the Indiana School for the Blind. 75th and College. We would like for you to make sure you let the callers know that you        will be coming to the meeting. Be sure you have signed up to work the Corn Stand for the Indiana
State Fair.  (Aug. 7-18)
Our New Club Supports these Lions Projects:
Indiana Lions Cancer Control
Indiana Lions Eye Bank
Indiana Lions Speech & Hearing
Indiana Lions for Leader Dog Inc.
Indiana Lions Foundation
Indiana School for the Blind Committee
Dist. 25-F Camp Woodsmoke
Lions Clubs International Foundation
Youth Exchange
Youth Outreach
Dates to Remember
May 20-
Constitution committee meeting-5:30 PM
                Regular Meeting-6:30 PM

e 24-Installation of new officers. District Governor Elect Lion Jack Buckland and his wife Pat will be our                  guests. To be held at the St. Pius K. of C. 71st & Keystone.
W.P. Woods Awards
Our Club Supports these Local Projects
Indiana School for the Blind
Washington Township Fire Dept.
MSD Washington Township Schools
Area 8 Special Education Olympics
North Central High School Music Dept.
Nora Library
Nora Community Council
Indianapolis Zoo
Riley Hospital for Children
Indiana School for the Deaf
Hoosier Boys State
Hoosier Girls State
Eyeglasses for needy children
Washington Twp. 4-H
Presented by the Indiana Lions Foundation
in Honor of Dr. W.P. Woods
Lions International's first President
Charter Award Members:
William Bugher
Therman Bouse
John Kidd (Deceased)
Wilbur Richards
PDG James J. Hall
PDG Dennis A. Shaul
PDG Fran Shaul
Regular Award Members:
Phillip Moore
Don Cosby
Dale Maines
Dr. Michael Bina
Merle Goldman
George Sharp                  
Dr. Everett Fleming
Dr. Melvin Lund
Robert DeLance
Pershing Meyers
Paul Means
Everett Tomlinson
CHARTER MEMBERS Still active in the Club
Lion William Bugher
Lion Wilbur Richards
Melvin Jones Fellows
James Shafer
Robert DeLance
Pershing Meyers
Richard Clem

Robert Jones

Lamar Ziegler
Dale Maines
Therman Bouse
George Barrett
Paul Means

Thomas Shadinger

Merle Goldman
Gregg Thomas
William Justice
Everett Tomlinson
Dr. Michael Bina

PDG Wally Wallace
Scott Striegel
Milton Barrow
Brian Hiltunen

Alice Chewning
*PDG Dennis A. Shaul
Wilbur Richards

John Kidd

*PDG James J. Hall
William Bugher

Keith Stroup
Oliver Dixon

Horace Nelson
PDG Al Elmes
Dr. Everett Fleming
Dr. Melvin Lund
Max Carmichael
Phillip Moore
Don Cosby
George Sharp
William Hicks
Chuck Taylor
Robert Rhoades
*PDG Fran Shaul
David Kahn
Roscoe Stevens
James Morgan
Charles Blair
Dena Rae Hancock
Living Past District Governors from Our Club
PDG AL ELMES-1982-1983
PDG DR. JAMES HALL-1990-1991
PDG FRAN SHAUL-1996-1997
Congratulations to the Washington Township Lions Club Team #2 (Champions of Brian's Trike Race) Lions Alan Shaul, Richard Moss, Matt Metcalf, and Bart Voigt were on the winning team.  Congratulations also to the Team #1 which finished in 2nd place.
Lions in Bold
* Progressive MJF
awarded by Dist. 25-F
Links to Other Pages:
New Officers for 2002-2003 Lions Year
President-Doug Reddington
1st Vice President
-Bart Voigt
2nd Vice President
-Judy Whyte
3rd Vice President
-Estella Heitman
-PDG Fran Shaul
Assistant Secretary-PDG Dennis Shaul

-Richard Moss
Assistant Treasurer-Merle Goldman

Tail Twister
-Harry Mosher
Lion Tamer
-Steve Romer
Membership Chair
-PDG Fran Shaul
2 year Membership-John Heseman
3 year Membership-Mark Nelson

- 1 year Horace Nelson, 1 year-Jim Morgan
2 year Hal Owens
2 year Helen Stehman

Immediate Past President
- Patrick Henninger
Chaplain-Jim Nutt
Lions of Indiana MD-25
District 25-F Web Page
Indiana Lions Cancer Control
Indiana Lions Eye & Tissue Bank
Leader Dogs for the Blind
Indiana Lions Speech & Hearing
Have you purchased your Indiana Lions Foundation State of Indiana License Plates yet? See PDG Jim Hall for details.
Indiana Lions State Convention--April 25-28
Bloomington, Indiana

Lions International Convention--July 8-12
Osaka, Japan
We Serve
Sign Guestbook View Guestbook
For more information contact: pdgdas@iquest.net