Electronic Education
Asked what the purpose of distance education programmes was, the teachers interviewed largely focused upon the in-service, at-post upgrading of Ghana Education Service staff. The teachers’ voices on the purpose of developing distance education provision in Ghana are grouped below by region:

Western/ Central:

"Well I think to assist many teachers to acquire higher education."
"I think it is to enable as many teachers as possible to upgrade their professional skills and have at least a degree."
"To equip more teachers with adequate skills to take up the overgrowing educational task in the country."
"To enable more trained teachers upgrade their skills/ qualifications."
"To enable teachers to improve their knowledge and skills."
"To promote the professional/ academic qualification and status of many teachers which is currently not too encouraging."
"It's an opportunity for teachers now in one way, for those who can't attend residential courses to upgrade their skills and status."
"Well to open more avenues for many teachers to hold at last a higher certificate or qualification with the limited accommodation facilities in the Universities."
"I think it is aimed at developing in-service educational programmes to upgrade the skills of teachers."
"It think to enable many teachers to upgrade themselves both professionally and academically whilst still teaching and to improve the quality and standard of education in the country."


"Most people now want to obtain high qualification in Universities but facilities are inadequate especially accommodation."
"To give more people the opportunity to better their education and to serve the nation."
"It encourages many people to take higher courses in the Universities."
"To upgrade the standard of teachers and to promote efficiency."
"To help teachers upgrade themselves."
"To enable many to attend University because inadequate accommodation has limited the intake of students."
"The infrastructure in the Universities is limited. And not all of us are nearer the Universities."
"People who cannot do the residential courses can cope with the modules sent to them."
"Many people will be able to gain access to University Education. There will be qualitative improvement in the standard/ level of efficiency.

Upper East/ Upper West:

"To make University available to many more people."
"The purpose of the programmes is to provide an opportunity for many teachers to upgrade themselves academically and professionally."
"To give more people a good opportunity to pursue University education."
"To help distant people to acquire University education outside the Campus."
"To enable many teachers to attain higher professional qualification as well as academic qualification."
"To enable more poeple to have access to University education."
"Give an opportunity to many more people to pursue University education."
"To increase the number of people with University degrees."
"To afford more people an opportunity to pursue University education."
"To provide University education for many people. To upgrade teacher's educational standard."
"To enable many of us to pursue courses at the University."
"To upgrade teachers' skills."
"To provide the opportunity for a wide range of teachers to acquire better qualifications."
"To give an opportunity to many people to receive University education."


"No idea" (58 year old male teacher looking towards retirement).
"No idea" (47 year old female teacher who is looking for promotion).
"To give equal opportunity to more people to graduate."
"To enable people who are not able to graduate to enter the University."
"To enable many people to acquire a degree course without having to to conventional residence."
"To enable people to pursue courses from their place of residence."
"To uplift the standard of students who will not have time for full time courses."
"To help teachers upgrade their skills."
"To help people who can't afford residential schools to learn and obtain a first degree."
"To help more people unable to get admission into the institutions to further their education."

"To prepare teachers and other professionals of education to serve the nation better."
"That through distance education the teacher will be able to appreciate and acquire an understanding of his course work and other professional related activities.'
"The purpose is to refresh teachers and bring them up academically for more effective teaching and learning in the classroom."
"To ease up the problems of having to do the course far away from home."
"Higher and faster development, sustainable development."
"To enable pupil teachers to be trained while they were still in active service."
"To give the chance to as many people as possible to improve themselves."
"To help teachers attain levels of education which they would not have had the chance to get given the limited resources in the Country's Universities."
"To afford many more people (the chance) to attain a University education."
"To give a chance to more personnel in Education to better and update their educational knowledge for better education for the child and the nation as a whole.'

"To upgrade the knowledge of teachers"
"To upgrade and improve the quality of education in Ghana in general."
"To enable those who can't afford going to the University to acquire one (a University education. Relieving the Government of economic problems in terms of building to accommodate residential students. It widens the scope of education and provides more peersonnel for the schools."
'To upgrade teachers academic and professional knowledge."
"Help teachers to better their education. To get more qualified teachers."
"I think it will help the less privileged. Those who are unable to attend colleges could do distance education. It will be easier financially - as well as where accommodation is concerned."
'To help to train more teachers."
"To afford teachers who cannot go to campus some form of education whilst at post."
"To upgrade and update the knowledge of teachers. To afford people with domestic problems who can't go into residence the chance of studying whilst at home."
"To enable people who qualify for further studies but are unable to do so due to accommodation problems at the tertiary institutions to do so."


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