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Redhead Page

Excerpts from a Natural Redheaded Woman

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I know if you are a redhead THAT'S a hard thing to ask!
It's worth the wait!!
Just a note...the wait pisses ME off too...
ATTENTION REDHEADS!!! You have the opportunity to be in film!! Loosli made Filmstm is in the process of finishing up their Red Head Documentary and would like to use YOUR photo in the film!! This is NOT a hoax!! (I know because I am PERSONALLY in the film as is Stephen Douglas, president of Redheads Internationaltm)Visit the documentary website for more information!! Don't miss the opportunity!! And's for a GREAT cause!! The REDHEAD cause!! Give redheads the exposure they deserve!!!

sexy redhead

Jessica Rabbit in Red

Redhead fighting

Redhead wearing crown

Redhead wearing white dress

Voluptious Redhead


Moody Redhead

Hello!!!This site is dedicated to REDHEADS!
And to the fans of red heads!
I am a natural redhead!!
Those who aren't redheads don't understand that we are different in many way but also the same! If there's one word that describes a redhead, it's

Let's look at the differences:
  • Of course there's the obvious- HAIR-COLORING! We come in many HOT shades of red! From light strawberry blonde to deep red! And there's fewer of US then any other hair color! Redheads make up 2% of the population! As a teen (and even NOW!) I stood out in a crowd! I ditched class one day with a bunch of friends, went to one friends house to get a radio, SHE forgot her key so we broke into the back bathroom window. Well that night her father called MY father and told him I was seen at her house. No one else was identified except me and it's all due to my hair!
  • Next there's skin color. Most red heads have VERY fair skin with freckles! We don't tan easily! I spent many a summer as a teen trying to tan! (All I did was burn!) I even tried tanning like the experts said-15 minutes a day, each side. Nothing! Well then I tried self-tanning lotions-I liked the way they looked but they only lasted three days and they were messy! Well finally I tried a tanning booth and I'm happy to say, I tanned!!! (I also got more freckles!) It was GREAT seeing a real tan line! NOT a burn line!
  • Now let's talk about MOODS!! Most redheads have HOT tempers and SHORT fuses! When that time-of-the-month rolls around-LOOK OUT!!! I get PMS x 50!! There's nothing more dangerous than a redhead with PMS!! I get hot over things that most other people would just say "oh well!" at! It doesn't take a whole lot to get me fumin'! I usually show my hurt by getting angry-VERY angry!
  • The way we're treated by others: I have been called so many names pertaining to my hair color APPLEHEAD,CARROT-TOP,or"HEY RED!"(quite common!),are a few! I don't hear blondes called "HEY YELLOW!"or Brunettes called"HEY BROWN!" too often! I have a friend who has a redheaded son. Well if I'm visiting and someone sees me with him a joke goes around about how this kid might be or could be mine! If I had blonde hair and the kid did also do you think the joke would even be thought up? Not likely!And we're usually asked if our hair color is natural! I used to say to people who asked that"Now really do you think I'd actually DYE my hair this color?"Of course there were a few that wanted PROOF that I was a real redhead! I don't see many people asking a blonde or brunette if their pubic hair was the same color as the hair on they're head!! Also the "may I play 'connect the dots'" routine because of our freckles. Granted other haircolors have freckles, but seeing ahow most redheads have freckles and they seem to just "go" with the redhead description, we get this "line" more than most.
  • Now about sex-I'm not going to get very personal here out of respect for my husband! Rumour has it redheads are HOT in bed! They scream! I mean people next door think someone is being MURDERED! Rumour also has it that redheads are kinky-into B&D, S&M, and such. Redheads also LOVE sex! Cannot get enough!'Nuff said!

Redhead sunbathing

Auburn with sword

Jessica Rabbit in green dress

Redheaded warrior sitting

Redhead in turquoise bikini

Redhead on the water

Redhead Face

Muscular redhead

Redhead warrior
I want to add that many men are totally fascinated with redheads. Why? Is it the coloring? Or is it the hot blood? If it's just the coloring, well ANYBODY can be a "red" head. But a real redhead is more than just hair coloring. Like I mentioned, redheads are hot blooded! I could dye my hair brown or become a blonde, but that wouldn't change the fact that I am HOT (with all that that implies...) All the movie stars that become redheads aren't redheads. They lack the passion and flare of a true redhead. Anyone thinking about finding a redhead as a mate should be aware of a redheads temperment. The same applies to redheaded men as well as women. I don't know any women who are obsessed with redheaded men, but their ARE alot of goodlooking redheaded men (Eric Stoltz, Ned Vaughn (Lt. Chelli from Courage Under Fire),David Caruso, Glenn,Jeremy,Erik, Sean ,TiggerRedd to name a few). I know that men go through the same "treatment" as a child that women do. I spoke with a redheaded woman who had a redheaded boyfriend and she said that he had a hot temper and a short fuse. Imagine an argument between THOSE two!!(for that matter,imagine the heat in the bedroom!!WHEW!!!) Now I'm not saying ALL redheads are like what is depicted on this site, but everyone I've spoken with agrees with what is written here. Just remember there's more to a redhead then meets the eye...
If anyone would like to add to my list of differences or give me more redhead gifs please e-mail me! Also tell me what you think of my page! But be nice! Remember I am a REDHEAD!!! Ciao for now!!
Redhead winking

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My Guardian of Fire
and Untamed Souls!
(Describes a REDHEAD, eh??)


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