


Hi there!

I have decided to host this site elsewhere.

Plain and simple: I just don't like Geocities. I never did. They are horrible in terms of service time, they have those damn geoguide thingies and pop-ups, and to top it all off, they tried to pull a fast one on us all with the TOS! Well, I've just gotten my own domain, WicccanResources.org,
so now I can host this site on my own server. At the moment, however, I'm in charge of four different web sites, and I simply don't have the
time for this one. I will bring this one back, on my server, as soon as time permits, though. The new address will be:


So, keep checking!

A little note about the set which I have used on this page, I made it. *G* If you'd like to use it on your website, as linkware, just drop me a line and
I'll see what I can do. What you see here isn't even half of what is in the entire set.

::My sitelist.::