I found this bit of info in one of my books. It is called the RISC method and helps with nightmares. This excerpt is from a book called 'Crisis Dreaming: Using Your Dreams to Solve Your Problems' authors Rosalind Cartwright; Lynne Lamberg.

1. Recognise when you're having a bad dream, the kind that leaves you feeling helpless, guilty or upset the next morning. You need to become aware while you are dreaming that the dream is not going well.

2. Identify what it is about your dream that makes you feel bad. Locate the dimensions that portray you in a negative light - as, for example, weak rather than strong, inept rather than capable, or out-of-control rather than in control.

3. Stop any bad dream. You do not have to let it continue. You are in charge. Most people are surprised to find that telling themselves to recognise when a bad dream is in progress is often all it takes to empower them to stop such dreams.

4. Change negative dream dimensions into their opposite, positive sides. At first, you may need to wake up and devise a new conclusion before returning to sleep. With practice, you will be able to instruct yourself to change the action while remaining asleep.

Keep on Dreaming,
Sheree sheibub@hotmail.com

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