"Living Waters Church"


Our Intercessory Prayer Ministry

Intercessory Prayer is the sacrifice (the laying down of your own life, time, will & wants) to go into the presence of God in prayer on behalf of an individual person; We will bring your prayer request's from this Website before the Lord, just email us, with your prayer request's. Also we bring before the Lord the need's of a Nation, a Church, Pastors, the Lost, etc.

Intercessory Prayer is to have the compassion and love of Jesus flowing in and through you, and taking on the feelings and identifying with the person, or persons, etc. (lit. "It is tasting the tears of others" and Standing in the "Gap" for them!).

Intercessory Prayer has the power to break the bondage's that the Devil has over people, or situations; and the power to loose those people from spiritual blindness, that they will see the truth, and to have a true relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

It is the very heart of the Gospel; Jesus stood in the "Gap" for us as our "Great Intercessor", for we couldn't help ourselves, but he choose to identified with us, even at the cost of his own pain and suffering, and violent death to set us free, by his substitution at the cross!

We currently have "Anointed Noon Prayer" 12pm - 1pm Mon. - Thurs. @ "LWC"

All are welcome to join us! We also have an "Anointed Prayer Line", call the office and we will pass your request to all those who will be in prayer for you! (607) 324-5117

We have seen many healed, miracles, and deliverance's take place when the people of God, fervently pray!