Creative Arts

Some of my favorite works of art, poetry, writing
by famous and
not so famous people

There once was a poet who'd compose
Line after line of fresh prose.
But the best of all lines
Were the ones with the rhymes.
So to that great effort she rose.

In hopes that all would see
Published on the Web they'd be.
She thought with delight,
They'll visit my site,
And rich and famous I'll be!

These are some creative efforts by Moody Blues fans

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Carol getting a hug from John Lodge, bass player for the Moody Blues

When You Send It

A positive and thought provoking poem By Bill Heppe

The New World

A play in one act

By Heather Esch

When Heros Clash

A fantastic story by Odins Eye

How Does It Feel?

In the mind of the abused…

Some deeply stirring poetry by WarriorMaiden

Broken Shells and Hearts

Learning Love Out of Time

By Carol Boteler

Here are some sites for Moody Blues fans who are visual artists

Evelyn's Moody Gallery

Moody Blues Song Paintings by Kathy Beaty

It was a dark and stormy night...

So you're not such a great writer but you'd like some recognition
I have the perfect place for you to enter your work.
The Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest
It's where you can find something fun to read.

Some famous people's work that I admire

Phenomenal Woman

by Maya Angelou

The Greatest Poem

by Christopher Morley

by Rudyard Kipling

by Percey Bysshe Shelley

Two poems with different perspectives on making the best of the time you have...

To the Virgins, To Make Much of Time
by Robert Herrick

To His Coy Mistress
by Andrew Marvell

Connect to some other poetry on the Web

Starlite Cafe -- Poetry on the Web

Robert Burns, The National Poet of Scotland

Here is a really nice Web site for the Arts.

One of my favorite sculptors has some of his works displayed at this shared Web site.

Paul Eppling

Some paintings I like

The Horses of Neptune

by Walter Crane
Click on the picture for a detail of the painting.

The Last Supper

by Salvador Dali
Click on the picture to see a larger version of the painting.

Mona Lisa

Lost Moody Blues Purse Story

Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Carol Boteler. All rights reserved.
Except where otherwise noted.