Who am I?

How do you answer a question like that?!                                                                                     [my mad Lurcher, Hatty]
My dog Hatty
Information Overload:
I'm Iain Douglas Justin Alexander, born 6th June 1978(a year too late to catch Star Wars!)
I live in the Cotswolds, address: The Folly, Fifield, Chipping Norton, Oxon., OX7 6HW; phone: 01993 830484
My father Ian is a barrister, my mother Rosemary is a dog-woman and artist, while my sister Toria has just finished her A-Levels and is going to be frighteningly successful.
The rest of the family are two dogs, Hatty and Leia, three Dexter cows, four peacocks, about a dozen sheep and a llama (yes, I said a llama!).
Edukasion: 8-13 The Dragon school Oxford, 13-18 Radley College Oxford, 18-present Balliol College Oxford reading Physics & Philosophy.

My story

Places I love: Romania | Medjogorige | Oxford