Political Correctness
I hate Political Correctness. It is a disease that has spread across America, following closely in the wake of the Women's Yuppie equality movement and preceeding the insanity of reality television.
Politcal correctness clouds our real thoughts and makes them something dirty and un-stateable. In other words, Political Correctness makes us a country of liars.
I hate the fact that I can't walk down a street and hear some guy call me a "Chick" or "Babe" cause he's afraid I'll rain holy terror on him for being "Politically Incorrect". In fact, I LIKE being called a babe. I can't help it... I love it when people compliment me, however rude or crude they are in their delivery. (And here's a secret guys, most girls don't mind it they only pretend to cause that's what society expects of them!!! Don't tell them I told you.)
So what exactly is politcal correctness? Well, pretty much it's manners taken to the extreme. Not only can you not say things bluntly, but you can't even say things that might possibly offend someone because of their sex/race/background/family/mental disorder/whatever... And what is an is not acceptable is steadily becoming even harder to discern. This is a problem. Things that some people do not find offensive are deemed extremely inflamitory by other people.
What does this mean? This means that we are now a society walking on eggshells, always terrified that we will say the wrong thing to the wrong person and end up in court being suied for libel. We can no longer speak our minds... people instead spend their time trying to find a certain combination of words that will convey a unpopular meaning in a less offensive manner. We're stuck in a social glasnost, forced to hold our tongues not by an oppressive government but instead by an oppressive social construction.
We need to end this, and now. There is nothing worse than not being able to present your opinion or speak your mind. In a land where we value personal freedom, why should we be constricted in the freedom of our thoughts (and the right to express them)? Why in the hell do we have a first amendment anyway if we can't use it how we see fit?
Well, when I started this paper I had a full bottle of wine, and now it's gone. So before I pass out I should end this paper. And I've basically said everything of importance anyway.
And that's how I see it.
~*Feisty Charli*~
April 12, 2001