Light and Dark
Cassidy Melczak
Day fades into night
The darkness penetrates
All that it sees
It is the natural state if all things
Light flees from its cold touch
The dark embraces me
Its calming touch
Bringing knowledge
Stealing life
But I am at home
In its cold recesses
Dark forever
The hollow casts of night's eerie glow
Flows around my body
Infusing me with light
Stolen from the stars
The light
So clean and pure
A soft light shining all around
This allows me to see
Renews my life
Allows me to start anew
The light which heals me
Also kills me
The darkness in which I live
It invades me destroying all I know
Dark flees
Running from the light
Hoping to remain free
But the light which inhabits my body
Kills that dark that used to
Running wild within me
Will I ever be free?
This I wrote mainly because it was what I felt at the time. There are a lot of symbolic things in here. I think we have all felt like this at one time or another. The song is Torn, which I think is very appropreate.